Am I Making You Uncomfortable

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Daniels Pov
"I'm not going!" Mykie yelled back at me as she walked through the halls to the front of the school.
"Why not it could be fun." I said.
"Ya sure, right." She snapped.
"What do you have against her anyway?" This made her stop in her tracks and turn to me with a pained expression on her face.
"You wanna know why I hate her so much..... She's the reason I don't trust, she's the reason why I shut people out, she's the reason that-" she cut off and began to cry. I ran up to her and rapped my arms around her and kissed the top of her head.
"Sshh it's ok you don't have to tell me, and we don't have to go ok." I said calmingly. She looked up with blood shot eyes.
"Thank you." She said, her voice horse. I then wiped her tears away and took her hand in mine and began to walk.
"No problem." I said.


I was home now and I said goodbye to Mykie before I left and before Caleb took her home. I was now lying on my bed and thinking about what that girl could have done to hurt Mykie.
She's the reason I don't trust.... Those words kept running through my mind, what happened?
"Hey Daniel." I heard my mom say as she entered my room.
"Oh hey mom." I sat up and she sat down next to me. "You need anything?" I asked her.
"The real question is do you need anything?" She said.
"What?"I asked confused.
"It just looked like you were upset when you came home, did anything happen today, did you and my Mykie fight?" She asked.
"No mom we didn't fight and noth- well."
"What, what happened?" She asked. I then explained to her what happened today and she nodded along with every word.
"Oh I see, and she didn't tell you why she doesn't trust her?"
"No she just said she's why she doesn't trust." I explained.
"Oh, well who knows maybe that girl was someone Mykie really trusted and she broke it." My mom guessed.
"Ya, who knows." I said.
"Well anyway did you get your homework done?" My mom asked.
"Oh shit, no." I exclaimed.
"Hey watch that mouth young man." My mom teased.
"Ya ya whatever mom." I waved her off and she left my room. I then grabbed my computer bag and took out my computer. I really need to finish this essay, only two more days.


"What do you mean Star Trek is better than Star Wars?!" Caleb exclaimed. We were all done with school now and we were on our way to Remy's as Caleb and Mason were in a heated argument over Star Trek vs. Star Wars.
"I'm just saying that Star Trek is better because it's not just a bunch of light stick flailing and laser guns." Mason explained.
"Ok first of all its light sabers not sticks second, its blasters not laser gun, and third at least Star Wars doesn't have al this "live long and prosper" shit." Caleb retorted.
"Oh really what about your "may the force be with you" nonsense, oh and your prequels suck too." Mason snapped.
"You take that back, Jarjar was a funny and beloved character." Caleb announced.
"No he was a bafoon who's only purpose in the movie was to lighten the mood but news flash, he only made it worse." Mason said.
"Oh I swear-"
"Will both of you just shut up!" Mykie cut Caleb off. "I swear to god you are driving me crazy, they both suck so shut up already." She snapped.
"I beg to differ, Star Wars is one of the greatest movies of all time." I said swinging my arm over her shoulders.
"See!" Caleb exclaimed gesturing to me.
"Yes but Jarjar did suck." I said as I opened the door to Remy's.
"Ha." Mason said smugly.
As we made our way over in we were greeted by a very familiar face.
"Hi Gladice."
"Well hello there Daniel and Mykie right." Mykie nodded. "And you two are?"
"Gladice this is Caleb and Mason." I introduced them.
"Oh well aren't you two just the cutest," Caleb and Mason both blushed turning their faces bright red."Well anyway take a seat anywhere I'll be over as soon as I can."
We all headed over to the booth my family would always sit at and slid in, me and Mykie near the wall and Mason and Caleb sitting near the opening.
Once we got comfortable we began to look at the menus already sat on the table but I didn't really need to I knew what I wanted.
After about ten minutes Gladice came over and took our order, I went first cause I already knew what I wanted then Mykie then Caleb and finally Mason I swear it takes that boy so long to figure out what he wants. After she got all our orders she went back to the kitchen to place them, and so the waiting began.
"So anyway, how's.... this been going?" Mason asked pointing to my arm still over Mykie's shoulders.
"What?" I laughed.
"Oh come one give us the juicy details." Caleb teased.
"Ya anything frisky." Mason added.
"I swear you two are worse than most girls I know when it comes to gossip." Mykie teased.
"Why do you even care anyway?" I asked removing my arm from around Mykie.
"Because you two are cute together and we want to know what goes on." Caleb said.
"Bro, cute?" I raised an eyebrow.
"What?! It's true." He raised his hands up defensively.
"Your such a girl." Mykie said.
"I am not!" Caleb protested.
"Mhm, ya sure." I teased and Caleb pouted.
We kept talking for awhile but once we got our food everyone fell silent I swear we're all such pigs. Once we all finished we decided to order some deserts as well so we had to wait some more.
As we waited Caleb and Mason began bantering again, while me and Mykie sat in silence and I noticed she wasn't really paying attention to anything so I decided to have a little fun.
I placed my hand on her thigh and squeezed it lightly which made her gasp and  her eyes went wide.
"What are you doing?" She whispered.
"Doing what?" I began to slide my hand up a little further as I lightly massaged her thigh, and her cheeks went bright pink.
"Daniel not here." She told me.
"Why not." I whispered into her ear.
I began to rub her thigh back and forth which caused her to grip the seat. I traveled up her thigh then stopped and moved my hand from the top of her thigh to the inside of it not to mention I scooted a little closer, and I herd her breath hitch.
"Am I making you uncomfortable?" I breathed against the back of her ear and quickly looked over to see if anyone was watching, no one was so I place a small peck on the back of her ear and she quickly grabbed my hand and pushed it off.
"I need to go the bathroom, let me out." She commanded. Caleb and Mason moved so she could leave, once she got out of the booth she shot to the bathroom leaving me there to just laugh.

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