We Need To Talk

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"Daniel, wake up. Daniel." Someone said softly. I forced my eyes open to find my mom hovering over where me and Mykie lay.
"Oh mom, what is it?" I asked quietly trying not to wake Mykie.
"Can you get up real quick? I need to talk to you." She said.
"Oh ya, just give me a minute." I said.
"Ok, meet me in my room." She ordered. I nodded and she went up stairs to wait.
I then carefully moved Mykie off of me so I could get up but some one caught my wrist. I looked down at Mykie and smiled.
"Where are you going?" She asked tiredly.
"Just rest I'll be right back." I bent down and kissed her forehead then went upstairs.
It was late, really late actually. I don't know why my mom waited so long to wake me up, maybe she forgot she wanted to talk to me. Regardless if she wakes me up this late to talk it's definitely important.
I reached my mom's room and knocked on the door.
"Come in." She called from the other side.
I entered the room to find my mom sitting at the edge of her bed.
"So mom, what is it?" I asked.
"First have a seat." I did as she told.
"Ok, mom. What's up?"
"Ok Daniel, so I am allowing Mykie to stay here I am perfectly fine with it, due to her circumstances and everything. But...you can't keep quiet about something like this for much longer. What happens when the week is over, what happens when she goes back home. What then? You need to talk to her about this and try and get her to agree to get help, because trust me it's not going to get better if she keeps quiet." My mom said.
"I know mom, and I want her to get help. But she just won't listen." I said.
"Then make her listen. I'm not saying push her, I'm just saying try to make her understand. And I think after today it will be much easier for her to listen." She said.
"Ya okay mom got it."
"Ok good, well get some rest." I nodded and told her good night and she kissed my forehead.
I went back downstairs and shook Mykie awake.
"Oh hey." She greeted, her voice groggy.
"Hey, come on. Let's go upstairs." I said.
"Carry me." She said childishly and held out her arms, I laughed.
I quickly picked her up bridal style and carried her up the stairs to my room. I kicked the door shut and walked over to my bed placing Mykie in it, then climbing in myself.
I pulled the blanket around us and rapped my arm around her shoulders and she layer her head on my chest.
"Goodnight." I whispered.
"Good night." She smiled. I gave her a quick kiss on the forehead then turned off the light.
It wasn't long till I fell asleep.

Sorry bout this chapter, it was kinda just a filler.
And sorry for not updating as much. I'll try better.

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