Don't Answer

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I woke up to the smell of pancakes, bacon, and fried potatoes. I got up from the couch where I spent for the night because Mykie got my room and I headed to the kitchen. Once I got there I found my mom and Mykie chatting away while my mom fixed breakfast.
"Oh hey look who's finally awake." My mom turned towards me.
"Oh morning mom." I said, my voice low and groggy-I need water-I thought, I don't know why but when I first wake up I always chug a glass of water not drink one, everyone does that, no chug why, I don't know. Anyway so I headed to the cupboard got a glass went to the sink and filled my glass up and started chugging.
"Woah there Danny boy slow down before you choke." My mom said. Drops of water that escaped from the glass trickled down my chin and onto my neck and once I drank the last drop I set my glass into the sink.
"So how is everyone doing on this fine morning?" I asked cheerfully.
"Well we just finished making breakfast help your self" my mom said.
"We?" I inquired.
"Ya I helped your mom make breakfast." Mykie explained.
"Really?" I asked.
"Ya." She said.
"Oh ok." And with that I packed my plate high with everything they made then took a seat on one of the chairs at the bar that separated the kitchen and the dining room. Once I was about half done with my meal my mom broke the silence.
"Oh Daniel."
"Ya mom?" I asked.
"Could you run to the store today and get some more milk, preferably after your done eating?" She  asked.
"I can't I have school." I said.
"No we don't." Mykie chimed in.
"What?" I asked.
"It's a teacher work day." She explained.
"Oh ok, then ya sure mom, but why can't you do it?" I asked.
"I have work." She said.
"Oh ok sure." I agreed.
"Thank you." She said gratefully. "Oh and since I can't your gonna have to drive Mykie home too." She said.
"Oh you don't have to do that." Mykie protested.
"What are you going to walk? I'm not gonna let you do that." My mom said.
"No I can have Caleb pick me up." Mykie explained.
"Who's Caleb?" My mom asked.
"Her friend." I explained.
"Oh ok then." My mom then looked at her watch and she gasped. "Oh I need to get ready or I'll be late. Daniel make sure you do what I ask ok." And she headed up stairs.
"Yes mom." I called out to her. I turned toward Mykie to find her on her phone.
"What you doing?" I asked.
"I'm texting Caleb to come and get me." She answered.
"Oh, why do you want to leave so soon?" I asked.
"Why do you care?" She snapped. So I see we're back to the same old Mykie, perfect.
"Just wondering. So how did you sleep?" I asked. She looked up from her phone.
"Oh fine, you?" She asked.
"Uh good." I answered.
"Good." She said. Why was it so awkward at least when we're fighting we talk like normal people, this is just sad. Mykie looked back at her phone to check her text but before she could reply I reached over the counter and plucked her phone out of her hands.
"Hey!" She exclaimed. "Give that back!"
"Umm no." She jumped towards her phone but I pulled away and raised my arm to where she couldn't reach.
"Seriously come on give it back I got to answer Caleb back!" She proclaimed.
"Why?!" She wined.
"Why do you think?" I teased.
"Oh I don't know now give it back I need to answer." She said as she jumped for her phone once more.
"That's exactly why." I said.
"Huh?" She inquired.
"I don't want you to answer." I said.
"What why?" She asked. Seriously this girl. She jumped for her phone again but I pulled back and caught her wrist.
"Are you that stupid?" I teased.
"What hey!" She exclaimed trying to pull away but I tightened my grip.
"I don't want you to answer cause I don't want you to leave." I explained.
"Huh?" Her face lit up bright red and she pulled away once more, I let go this time. "Hey sh-shut up!" She stuttered. "Just give me my phone back."
"Fine." I handed it to her and the minute it was in her hands her screen lit up Caleb had called her. She answered it and put the phone up to her ear. And began talking, and I could hear bits and pieces .
"Hey you didn't answer." Caleb.
"Ya sorry." Mykie.
"No problem so am I picking you up?" Caleb.
"Um..." Mykie trailed off and looked at me and I just turned away and began to walk to the living room disappointed. "No." I shot back around to see Mykie still looking at me. "Change of plans." She said.
"Oh ok see you later then." Caleb.
"Yep." Mykie. She hung up and set her phone down. "So what we doing today?" She asked. Even though I couldn't see it I could feel the widest cheesiest grin forming on my face causing Mykie to smile to.

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