Something Bad

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Mykie's Pov
I was woken up by someone shaking my shoulder.
"Mykie." Someone whispered. I look up to find my dad sat next to me on my bed.
"Oh dad." I said.
"Sorry, did I wake you?" I shake my head, lies. I went to sleep earlier than usual today, I just didn't want to deal with anything else.
"I know you're lying." I laughed and sat up. "Question?" He said an I hum in reply. "Was mom questioning you when you got home?" He asked and I shake my head yes very hesitantly.
"Ya that was my fault, we had a fight after you left for school and I just needed to get out for a while, I ended up not coming back till a few minutes ago." He explains.
"Dad it's not your fault, if it wasn't for mom you guys wouldn't be fighting and you wouldn't be getting a divorce, so please don't blame yourself you're the best dad ever and ya sure I'm upset you guys are getting divorced but don't blame yourself for it." I said and in one swift movement my dad had me in his arms and was hugging me. I hug him back before laying back down.
"Thank you Mykie." He leans down and kisses my forehead then walks to my door and opens it but before he walked out he turned around and smiled at me. "Goodnight my princess." I smile at him and mouth "love you" and he does the same then leaves, and before I know it I am falling back into a deep sleep.


The next morning Mr. Willoughby was at my house to pick me up for school as usual,  and everything else this morning went the same as it always does but for some reason I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that something bad was gonna happen.


"Caleb what are you doing?" I ask him as he stuffs a hand full of tator tots into his mouth filling his cheeks. It was lunch time now and as usual Daniel and Mason had come over to where Caleb and I were and sat down and Caleb was being an idiot, nothing had changed nothing was off but I still had that feeling that I had this morning, then out of no where Rachel appeared and stood at the end of the table with the biggest grin plastered on her face. I swear the universe must hate me or something, I called it, did I not call it.
"Hey guys." She said all chirpy.
"What do you want Rachel?" I snapped.
"Woah Mykie what was that for." Daniel asked with a concerned look but I just rolled my eyes and continued eating.
"Sorry bout that so what was it it you wanted?" Daniel asked.
"Oh well I was just wondering if you would all like to come to a party I'm throwing next week?" She asked.
"Sorry bu-" I was cut off by a hand over my mouth.
"We'll think about it." Daniel said.
"Great I hope I see you then." And with that she skipped away and Daniel removes his hand from my mouth.
"Why did you tell her that?!" I asked him angrily.
"The real question is why were you being so rude?" He questioned but I just rolled my eyes again.
"I'm not going." I said plainly.
"We'll see about that." Daniel smirked.
What did I say something bad.

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