I Like You Too

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Daniels Pov

I saw Mykie stop a few feet away from us but after standing there for a few seconds she began to walk again. Did she hear the question, is she mad.
"Um," I stood there taking in what she just asked me. "Well I don't know."
"Oh please it will be fun." She begged. I thought about but then, Mykie came to my memory.
"I'm sorry but no." Even though I know that Mykie doesn't like me I like her and who knows what could happen.
"Why not?" She asked.
"Well you see you seem like a nice girl but I don't really know you and-"
"We can get to know each other though." She said enthusiastically.
"I'm sorry but no, you see I already like someone else." I looked back but Mykie was long gone.
"Oh I see." She said sadly hanging her head.
"Ya I'm really sorry."
"No I understand." She said.
"Ya well I'm sorry but I have to get to class.

Mykie's Pov

I sat in class anxious, I don't want him to say yes but I don't know why, but who knows maybe he won't say yes. No knowing him he'll get any chance to get some, will he? Ugh why am I worrying so much, it's not like I like him I can't I won't.


Once class was over I was greeted by a serious looking Daniel.
"Come with me." He said taking my wrist and leading me away from everyone.
"Hey wait!" I resisted. We ended up near the back of the school and Daniel let go of my wrist.
"Hey what are you doin-" before I knew it his lips were on mine and my eyes widened in shock.

Daniels Pov

Right after class I knew I needed to talk to Mykie after that encounter with that girl I knew I had to tell Mykie how I felt. So once class ended I rushed to her classroom and dragged near the back of the school, she resisted of course.
Once we got there she tried to question me but before she could I kissed her and she immediately tensed up.

Mykie's Pov

He kissed me he was kissing me, even though I was uncomfortable I didn't push him away I didn't stop it I just let it happen. Then I finally relaxed and closed my eyes, and I began to kiss him back. He gently placed his hands around my waist pulling me close to him and I placed my arms around his neck and began running my hands through his hair. Also I had to go on my tip-toes because he is about a foot taller than me.
How did I end up here, only weeks ago did I hate this guy I thought he was the biggest jackass I've ever met I hated him and now I'm kissing him behind the school, and enjoying it.
When we finally pulled away to catch our breath he looked at me with those oh so beautiful green eyes.
"Mykie." I hummed in response.
"I like you." He said. I laughed.
"Ya I kinda got that." He laughed to. Even though I was joking I was finally realizing I couldn't hide it or deny it anymore, I like Daniel.
"I like you too." And it may be the biggest mistake of my life.

Boom two updates in one day, I thought I should make it up to you for missing so many days. Anyway, they finally kissed, and Mykie likes Daniel yay. I really hope you guys like this chapter also I hope that the perspective switching wasn't to weird I just felt it necessary for this chapter, and I will try to be more consistent with my updates.

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