I Forgive You

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Daniels Pov
The ambulance showed up a few minutes later and rushed Mykie's dad to the hospital and the rest of us got in my moms car drive to the hospital.
We reached it a few minutes after the ambulance then we got out of the car and headed inside. My mom went straight to the front desk to ask about Mykie's dad. She found out that he was rushed to surgery and it would last awhile. So we wait.


We waited for about and hour, Mykie anxious the entire time. I wouldn't blame her. No matter what her dad has done it was still her father and well, what would you do if your parent got shot.
"Mrs. Winston." We heard someone say and noticed a doctor walking towards us.
"Yes doctor?" My mom asked.
"Ok well, he's out of surgery-"
"And?" Mykie cut in.
"And he's doing just fine but he will be bed ridden for awhile. Also you can go see him if you want." The doctor informed.
We all nodded and headed to the room the doctor told us he was staying in.
We walked in to find him yelling at a nurse. Well I see it doesn't take him long to recover, start being abusive none the less.
"Dad?" Mykie asked.
He shot his head over to us and immediately scowled at me.
"What are they doing here?" He spat.
"Oh it's nice to see you too Mr. Anderson. Tell me do you need anything sir, a glass of water a blanket?" I asked sarcastically.
"You better watch the sarcasm boy." He warned.
"No you better watch it dad. Hey, Daniel, can you give me and my dad a few moments alone?" Mykie asked. I nodded and gave her a small smile before me and my mom walked out.

Mykie's Pov

I waited for Daniel and Emma to be out of the room before I spoke.
"So, are you going to yell at me some more?" My dad asked and I just scowled.
"No but I did want to talk." I corrected. "But honestly it would do you some good if someone set you straight."
"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked defensively.
"What I mean is that you, you been so ridiculous. You come home every night drunk, you lash out at me or mom. Why do you think she's been gone this entire past week. And honestly for the first time I feel bad for her. She might be crazy but I know she would never hurt me, even if she doesn't love me, she's not capable of that. But you, no you are. And I'm sick of it!" I exclaimed.
"Don't raise your voice at me young lady!"
"No I will! I don't care if you got shot, I'll yell all I want. I trusted you dad, more than anyone but obviously that was a mistake. And you know what, I don't even know who you are anymore, you used to be kind and trustworthy now your... now your pathetic. And I'm done." After that I walked out.
"Mykie get back here. Michelle Anderson get your but back here!" I heard him yell but I just ignored it.
I walked out to the hall expecting Daniel but instead got.... my mom.
"Mom?" I said surprised.
"Hi, baby doll. How you doing?" She asked.
"Fine, what's with the baby doll?" I asked. She hasn't called me that since I was six.
"Oh nothing, listen baby I'm sorry for not being  here this week I, it's just been..." She trailed off.
"I know mom it's okay. Why do you care anyway?"
"That's actually what I need to talk to you about."
"Mom?" I questioned.
"Just come here." She commanded as she sat on a bench and motioned me to follow.
"Okay first of all, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I've done, I'm sorry for the yelling the fighting the excusing. I'm sorry for it all. But I want you to know its not all my fault."
"Ok then whose was its, dad?" She nodded.
"Mykie, your father hasn't been completely truthful with you. If you want to know the reason why I excuse him of everything is because, he cheats. I've caught him several times, and that's why every time he comes home late I assume something." She explained.
"What! Okay, okay even if this is true why didn't you file a divorce earlier?" I asked.
"Because he wouldn't let me. Listen Mykie, this week and when you were little isn't the only times he's been abusive. When you leave for school he, he-" she choked.
Okay, this has to be real. I've never seen my mom cry. Only a few times and that's when something very serious happened. If my mom cry's she's telling the truth.
"He hits me. That's why I left last week. It just became to much, and I know I shouldn't have left you like that I'm just I'm so sorry. I'm such a terrible mother." She began to cry even more and I engulfed her in a hug.
"Mom, it's okay. I forgive you." I was serious, if she had to deal with all that everyday no wonder she'd be mad and excuse him of things. Woah my dad, is a terrible person.
We stayed like that for awhile until Daniel came back and told me we had to leave.
I said goodbye to my mom and told her I'll see her soon then left.
Man, what a day.

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