I Love You

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"Hey mom I'm home!" I called out.
"Ok Daniel, you're just in time dinner is ready." She said.
"Oh ok hey mom can I talk to you." I said as I made my way to the kitchen Mykie following behind.
"Sure wha- oh Mykie! What happened?!" My mom exclaimed.
"Mom just come with me." I took her arm and led her upstairs to my room and shut the door.
"What is it?" She asked concerned.
"Ok mom I have a favor to ask."
"Ya sure what is it?"
"Can Mykie stay over this week?" I asked.
"Oh um ya sure. Why though?" I began to explain to her what happened and needles to say she immediately agreed, thank god.
We went back down stairs and my mom cleaned up and bandaged the cut on Mykie's cheek then started dinner. The entire time we ate my mom and I did most of the talking while Mykie just sat there and ate. I didn't blame her though, she's been through a lot. Once we finished my mom had a quick talk with Mykie and told her that she could borrow some of her old clothes for the week and Mykie happily thanked her.
After they talked we decided to watch a movie together and my mom made some brownies and Mykie helped. We ate and watched and talked for a while until my mom told us she was going to bed and headed upstairs leaving me and Mykie alone on the couch.
"So..." I trailed off.
"So..." She mocked.
"How are you feeling?" I asked.
"Good, better. Thank you." She said.
"Don't mention it." God why does it feel so awkward. "So you wanna do something?" I asked.
"Like what?" She asked.
"Uh, I don't know."
"Well neither do I." Ugh what's going on, it feels so awkward.
"Uh, Mykie-"
"Daniel-" we said at the same time.
"You go first." I said.
"No no, you." She said.
"Uh ok. Well I was just going to say.... that.... it feels really awkward for some reason don't you think?" I inquired.
"Ya no, I felt that too." She agreed.
"Why though? I mean we've been alone before." I said.
"Ya alone..." She trailed off.
"Ya so do yo-" I was cut off by Mykie kissing me, kissing me, out of no where. Why? Not that I'm complaining but why?
I found myself kissing back though, but this wasn't like our other kisses this one was more aggressive more hungry more lustful and it felt, good.
I snaked my arms around her waist and pulled her closer if that was possible. She then began to run her hands through my hair and leave kisses down my jaw, and it was turning me on. She made her way back to my lips and the kiss grew slower as if we were trying to savor this moment.
I mimicked her acts from before and started to place kisses down her jaw then her neck then her collar bone. She let out a small mone making me grin. I came back up and pecked her lips.
"God I missed you." I stated.
"Ya me too. Listen I'm sorry I shouldn't have avoided you an-" I cut her off by pecking her lips and she gave me a confused look.
"Shh, just don't okay. Let's just not talk right now, let's just get some rest." I positioned ourselves so that I was laying on my back and she was on top of me and her head was on my chest. "Just sleep." I whispered.
"Okay." She said.
"Goodnight, I love you." The words just tumbled out. I don't even now how that thought popped in my head it just came, but I'm not going to take it back its true. I've started to realize that I am actually falling in love with Mykie and I'm falling hard.
She didn't respond for awhile but then she broke the silence. "Good night." Was all she said but I'm okay with that. It's okay if she's not ready to say I love you too, it's okay because at least she knows how I feel and that's all I need for now.

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