Please Forgive Me

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Mykie's Pov
"Bye Mykie." Daniels mom calls out. "It was nice seeing you again."
"You too, Emma right?" I ask and she laughs.
"Yes well bye." She waves.
"Come on I'll walk you out." Daniel says as he opens the door for me, I step outside and Daniels trots along behind me but he quickly catches up and takes my hand in his, I liked the feeling of it, the feeling that someone was there for you and cared about you, but I was also scared of this feeling because of what happened the last time I trusted someone.
"Are you sure I can't drive you home." He asked.
"No I'm good, and besides I could use the exercise." He chuckles and places a small peck on my cheek.
"Ok well I'll see you tomorrow." He said.
"Ok, and don't forget to write the essay for the project." He laughs again, my God was it attractive.
"Bye." I said as let go of his hand and began walking down the street to my house.


Once I got to the store, oh ya I forgot to say I was heading to the store first to get some candy and possibly a Monster, ya I have kind of an obsession.
Anyway I headed inside I went straight to the candy isle and immediately went for the gummy worms but some one else beat me to it. I looked over to see someone I did not want to see.
"Oh Mykie!" The blonde girl next to me.
"Oh hi Rachel." I said unamused.
"Hi, um it's been a long time." She said shyly.
"Ya it has been." I said rudely.
"Um well I heard you and Daniel are together now." She proclaimed.
"Ya kind of, why you jealous because he rejected you and we're together now, oh wait no that won't stop you from making a move on him." I snapped angrily.
"Mykie I said I'm sorry how long will you stay mad at me?" She asked innocently.
"Hmm let me think, oh forever."
"Oh come on it's been three years already." She said annoyed.
"I don't care, you cheated with my boyfriend not to mention the fact that you were my best friend at the time, wow serves me right for trusting you." I said sarcastically.
"Mykie please I said I'm sorry and I regret it so much please forgive me." She pleaded.
"Forgive you my ass. I'm sorry I'm done, goodbye Rachel." I then turned on my heal and walked out of the store fuming, not to mention I didn't even get anything.


Once I was home I was greeted by the lovely site of my mother, note the sarcasm.
"Where have you been!?" My mother questioned.
"With a friend then I went to store but I ended up not getting anything and anyway why do you care you never care about where I've been any other time." I spat.
"I just do and don't speak to me like that. And anyway what friend, Caleb?" She asked.
"No." I answered plainly.
"Then who?" She kept pushing.
"None of your business, now leave me alone." I ran up to my room as fast as I could so I wouldn't be bombarded by anymore questions god I hate my mom, she's the whole reason why my parents always fight, she's so clingy and never leaves my dad alone she's constantly questioning him and won't give him any space. She also is always accusing him of things he didn't do I swear I'm just so sick of her, and now she's questioning me too, what a perfect ending to a perfect day too I swear to god I'm just sick of this house. Well on the bright side I got to hang out with Daniel so I guess it wasn't all bad.

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