Where Were You

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"You look like crap." Mason said.
"Oh well thank you for that captain obvious." I snapped.
"I'm just saying, are you okay?" He asked concerned.
"No I was up late working on that stupid project for Mr. Willoughby's class." I whined.
"Oh sorry bout that, well anyway have fun." He said before he ran off to his first class leaving me standing there in front of Mr. Willoughby's class. I sighed before walking in to find that Mykie wasn't at her desk, she wasn't anywhere, why isn't she here we have to turn our project in.
"Mr. Winston I suggest that you take your seat instead of just standing there looking like an idiot, so," he looked up at me from the book he had in his hand. "If you don't mind." He gestured to my desk, I nodded and made my way to my desk and took my seat.


Thirty minutes into class and Mykie still isn't here, ok this is weird she never misses school, ya sure she's late a lot but she's always here. Oh well no point in worrying I'm sure there's a good reason, ya but still the project is due and she has the poster for it. Damnit Mykie, you better be here.
"Okay, so we will be presenting our projects now. When I call you and your partners name you will then come to the front and... present, obviously."

Mr. Willoughby read off the first names and they came up to present, then the next, then the next, then finally.
"Daniel do you and Mykie have your project ready?" He asked.
"Um well you see, we have it but Mykie isn't here." I explained.
"Yes I know she called me this morning telling me that she won't be coming, so you'll have to present it your self." That's weird why wouldn't she tell me that she wasn't coming.
"Ya I can't, you see Mykie has the rest of the project." I explained.
"Oh ok then, you can do it tomorrow if Mykie is here but I will be docking of points for it being late." I nodded and he read off the next group.


Once school was out I immediately walked up to Caleb who standing in the front of the school like always, to ask why Mykie wasn't at school but he didn't know. Ok Mykie, what's going on?

When I got home I tried to call her, no response. I tried again, still no response, okay now I'm worried.
I ran down stairs and told my mom that I would be back soon and I ran outside and got into my car and started to drive. I then pulled out my phone and called Caleb.

"Hey dude what's up?" He asked.

"Hey, what's Mykie's address?" I asked.

"Um I'm not sure I've only been there once when her parents weren't home, why?" He asked.

"She's not picking up her phone and I'm getting worried so please just give me what you remember." I pleaded.

"Oh ok umm..." He gave me the address or at least as much as he could remember, I thanked him and hung up.


When I arrived at Mykie's house, or what I think is her house, I ran up to the door and began to bang on the door. It then flew open and I was greeted by the site of a tall middle aged dark haired man who had the same stern gaze as Mykie, probably her dad.
"Hi um, sir I'm looking for Mykie Anderson." I said as calmly as I could.
"Oh I'm sorry you just missed her she a-" he choked. "Anyway why do you need to know where she is?" He asked. Okay so this is the right house.
"Oh well she didn't come to school today and she didn't answer my calls so I was worried." I explained.
"Oh well sorry she's not here." He said.
"Do you have any idea where she would be?" I asked.
"No I'm sorry." He said.
"Oh ok well thank anyway." I began to walk back to my car but I was stopped by someone calling out.
"Wait!" The man yelled.
"Ya?" I asked.
"There is one place you could look." He said before my frown turned into a huge smile.


"Mykie! Mykie! Where are you!" I called out as I ran through the empty lot. "Mykie!" I called once more.
"Daniel?" I heard a small voice squeak out. I turned around to find Mykie sitting under the only tree in the entire lot hugging her knees to her chest. I ran up to her and fell to my knees next to her and rapped my arms around her. I then pulled away and gripped her shoulders firmly making her let go of knees and sit upright.
"Where were you?! I've been worried sick!" I exclaimed.
"I'm sorry I just-" she began to choke and I noticed she's been crying.
"Mykie, hey you ok?" I asked. She shook her head and began to cry, I rapped my arms around her and rubbed her back moving my hand in circles in attempt to calm her down.
Oh Mykie what happened to you?

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