Thank You

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Me and Mykie walked in silence, well I walked and Mykie was still in my arms. We still had a bit to go to get my house but neither of us spoke no matter how awkwardly silent it was, but after a while Mykie broke the silence.
"Why are you doing this?" She asked.
"Huh?" I responded confused.
"Why are you helping me?" She asked again.
"Well..." I trailed off.
"Hey!" Someone called. Me and Mykie looked around to see who it was and our eyes landed on Mr. Willoughby who was sitting in the front seat of a white Prius that he had been pulled over to the side walk.
"Oh Mr. Willoughby what brings you here?" I asked.
"I was driving and I looked over to find you and Mykie, what's going on?" He asked.
"Well Mykie hurt her ankle and I was going to bring her to my house so she could rest." I explained.
"Well that's gonna take you awhile how bout I give you a ride." He suggested.
"Oh um no thank you I'm good." I lied, even though Mykie was relatively light after carrying her for awhile she started to get heavier.
"Really it's no problem at all." He persisted. I sighed in defeat, happy defeat though I really did want a ride.
"Ok sure." I walked over to his car and he got out to open the door. I set Mykie down into the front seat and shut the door, then I sat down in the back seat it was a little cramped but I could manage. Mr. Willoughby then hopped back into the car and began to drive again, he asked me where my house was and I told and we made our way there.


Once we reached my house I thanked Mr. Willoughby then got out and opened Mykie's door, I picked her back up and headed up the driveway to the front door. Once we reach the door I turned and Mykie and I waved to Mr. Willoughby, he waved back then drove off.
When me and Mykie entered the house my mom heard and called out to us. I walked to the living room to find my mom sitting on the couch reading a book.
"Hey honey how are you?" She asked looking up from her book. "Oh what going on here?" She asked.
"Mom can you get some ice Mykie hurt her ankle?" I asked her as I sat Mykie down on the couch.
"Oh yes one minute." My mom got up and headed to the kitchen to get some ice for Mykie's ankle and I began to take off Mykie's shoe and sock. I examined Mykie's ankle, it was slightly swollen but not to bad.
"Tell me if this hurts." I began to turn her ankle to the side then other side.
"No." She responded.
"Ok what about this?" Then I slightly pushed her foot back causing her to wince in pain. I shot my head up to meet her gaze.
"You ok?" I asked.
"Ya it just hurts." She answered.
"Ok here." I began to massage her ankle in attempt to make it feel better and I felt Mykie's body stiffen which made me stop.
"You ok did I hurt you?" I asked worriedly.
"No it's just..." She trailed off but I caught on to what she meant.
"Sorry I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." I apologized.
"No it's fine you didn't mean to." She said.
"Ok I got the ice." Me and Mykie turned to see my mom walking into the living room with a plastic bag full of ice in one hand and two sheets of paper towels in the other. She knelt down next to me and lifted Mykie's leg up and set it on a pillow. She then took the paper towels and wrapped it around the bag of ice and set it on Mykie's ankle.
"There, that should help." My mom said.
"Thank you Mrs. Winston." Mykie said gratefully.
"No problem, hey I'all be right back I'm just going to go make some snacks." We nodded and she left to go back to the kitchen.
"Thank you." Mykie said.
"Don't mention." I said.
"You didn't answer my question though." She said.
"Why did you help me, I thought you hated me." She asked.
"Well I wasn't going to just leave you there in pain, and I don't hate you, far from it but in all honesty I thought you still hated me." I explained.
"Oh ok, and I guess I still kinda do but I'm really good at hiding it." She said.
"Gee thanks." I said sarcastically and she laughed. She had a nice laugh it was sweet and real, what I mean is that I've noticed a lot of girls when they are around guys and they laugh at something it's completely different from what it really sounds like, and it's really easy to tell if they are faking. But Mykie's was real and really cute.


After my mom brought in some snacks we began to stuff our faces, we were still hungry even after Remy's. For hours we talked and watched tv but mainly talked.
"Tell me a secret." I said.
"What?" She asked confused.
"You heard me." I smirked.
"Why should I?" She asked.
"Oh come on." I persisted.
"Only if you tell me one first." She said.
"Oh ok then, um let's see..." I railed off and thought about it for a second. "You are the first girl that's ever rejected me." I said.
"That's not a secret I already no that, come on try again." She said.
"Ok um, my middle name is James." I said.
"Boring." She teased. "Come on tell me something juicy." She persisted.
"Um well..." I trailed off.
"Yes come on." Mykie said.
"Well um, no it's nothing." I said.
"Oh come on, tell me." She kept pushing.
"Um well I ok, well here come closer." She leaned forward.
"I didn't..." I trailed off.
"Yes." She said excited.
"I didn't, brush my teeth this morning." I teased and blew in her face.
"Oh dude really." She exclaimed.
"Ok now your turn." I said.
"What no you didn't even tell me a secret." She said.
"Yes I did." I said.
"That wasn't a secret."
"Yes it was and I asked you so tell me." I persisted.
"Ok fine I'll go, well um my... No never mind." She said.
"No come on you can tell me." I said.
"Ok well... No I can't." She said.
"Oh come on." I said.
"Well-" her voice hitched. "My parents are-" then she began to cry, I didn't even know she could cry.
"Hey hey what's wrong?" I asked.
"My parents are getting a divorce and it's all my fault." She blurted out along with loud sobs.
"What, oh Mykie I'm, I'm sorry." I then wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to my chest in attempt to comfort her. She was trembling and her breathing was unsteady.
"Hey Mykie what's going on you can tell me." I said softly.
"No, no I can't." She protested.
"Mykie please tell me I don't like seeing you like this, what happened to that tough girl I met on the first day of school?" I said trying to lighten the mood.
"She's gone, she was never there, I only pretend to be strong so I don't end up like this, because- because-" she choked.
"Because why?" I asked.
"Because my parents keep fighting and they're going to divorce and it's all my fault." She blurted out.
"Mykie I'm sure it's not your fault." I said empathetically.
"Yes it is."
"How?" I asked.
"Because everyone keeps telling me it us because, because they tell me it is!" She exclaimed in muffled screams. I then leaned back and put one of my arms between us, then I grabbed her chin and pushed her head up to look at me. Her normally bright doll blue eyes were red and sad and fresh tears were falling over her cheeks.
"Listen Mykie no matter what anyone tells you their fighting is not your fault, you can't control weather they fight or not just like I couldn't control if my dad died or not." I said.
"No listen..." I cut her off and lifted my hand from her chin to her cheek and began to wipe away her tears with my thumb. "It is not your fault, don't you ever say that again. You are an amazingly talented beautiful girl, so focus on the positives not the negatives and don't ever say it's your fault again ok." She nodded wide eyed and a slight tinge of pink began to form on her cheeks.
"Thank you." She pulled away.
"No problem and hey one more thing" I place my hands on her cheeks and wiped off any remaining tears.
"Don't cry anymore unless it's for something good, I don't want to see you upset, I'd much rather see you happy and smiling." I said, she nodded and I removed my hands from her cheeks.
"Well-" she cleared her throat. "I should probably get going." She said.
"Are you sure it's late and I don't think you're in the state to go home right now." I said.
"Well then what do you suggest?" She asked.
"Well why don't you stay here tonight." I suggested.
"Oh uh no I don't think-"
"It's really no problem, please I don't feel right letting you leave like this." She sighed in defeat.
"Fine." She said.
"Great." I exclaimed.


Once it was time to sleep my mom found some extra blankets that I could use because I told Mykie that I would take the couch and she could have my bed.
"Hey." Someone said. I turned around to see Mykie leaning on the wall her ankle had started to feel better so she could stand now. She was wearing a pair of my basketball shorts and a white t-shirt that were way to big for her but I had to admit she looked adorable.
"Oh hey." I said.
"Hey I just wanted to say thanks again." She said.
"Don't worry about it." I said.
"Well uh good night." She said.
"Night." And I smiled. She then headed up stairs, I turned off the lights and climb onto the couch to go to sleep. Man what a day.

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