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"Where are we going?" Mykie whined as I dragged her out the door.
"To the store, my mom asked if I could get some snacks." I explained. We had only just woken up so I get why she was like this.
"But why?" She asked.
"Because it's Sunday."
"Sunday means movie night. Listen I may be letting you live in my house but that doesn't mean we're changing any traditions because of you." I teased.
"But can't we get the snacks later?" She kept whining.
"No because my mom is inviting some people over and so she wants everything to be ready when they get here instead of us going out at the last minute to get everything. Movie night is kinda a big deal in my family." I explained as I got in the car.
"Ugh fine." She got in as well and buckled up.
"See now that's a good girl." I ruffled her hair.
"Shut up." She snapped.
"Jease someone's not a morning person." She turned her head a glared at me.
"I will literally rip your balls off right now so if you want to protect your precious manhood, God so help me Daniel, shut up." God she's scary.
"Yes ma'am." I agreed scared for my life and began to drive.


The drive to the store was pretty quiet, mainly because I didn't want to upset Mykie.
Once we got into the store we headed towards the snack isle. We got some chips and crackers, along with some dip, we also got salsa.
Next we went over to where the drinks were and got some orange soda, Dr. Pepper, and Pepsi along with some cups.
And we got a big bag of Rolos' and Reece's.
We then made our way over to the check and purchased all our items then left the store.
Once we reached the car we put all the stuff in the back the got in. I looked over at Mykie and noticed she had a worried look on her face.
"Hey you ok?" I reached over and grabbed her hand to comfort her.
She sighed. "No."
"What's the matter?" I asked.
"I'm just thinking about my dad, and my mom, and everything else." She said.
"Oh, hey listen don't think about that right now okay. We'll get it all worked out, so just enjoy your time with us for now." I placed my hand on her back and began to rub it.
"Ok, thank you." She said gratefully and gave me a small smile and placed her feet up on the dash board.
"No problem." I smiled back and laughed a little. Then I place my hands back on the steering wheel then began to drive.

"Mom! We're back!" I called out.
"Oh good, I called Aunt Becky she'll be here at around 2:00 so we have a few hours." My mom explained.
"What about Grandma and Grandpa, oh and is Lily coming?" I asked. Lily is my cousin but since we're both only children we act like brother and sister. We were super close when we little, but it's been almost two years since I've seen her.
"Yes and so is your uncle." She said.
"Wait, uncle Tim or uncle Freddy?" I asked.
"Freddy." My mom answered plainly.
"Yes! That's good because the last time uncle Tim was here he just kept talking about how great his kids are and how wonderful his job is." Ya my uncle Tim is pretty boring and snooty.
"Oh no, I know. It was always "Emily is a straight A student, what are you Daniel?" My mom mocked him in a snooty voice and I laughed.
"Well anyway Daniel you two better get ready oh and pick out a couple of movies for us to watch." My mom commanded.
I nodded and set all the groceries on the kitchen counter then went up stairs and Mykie followed behind.
Man am I excited for today.

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