Chapter 1

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Emma's POV

I woke up in a different bed then usual and when I looked up my eyes glanced upon someone that wasnt my husband but his best friend.

"Killian! Wake up!" I say slapping his face.

"What the? OH MY GOD! Emma?" He says.

"What happened last night wasnt suppose to." I say to him.

"Yeah think. I know idea it was you." He says.

"Look we never speak about this got it." I say to him.

"Never." He says.

I got changed and went home. The city of New York was huge and out of all the people out here I cheat on my husband with his best friend.

"Emma! Where the hell have you been?" Neal asks pulling me into a hug.

"I was just out. I fell asleep at a friends." I lie.

"Im so sorry about the fight last night I never meant what I said. I love you." He says.

"Neal, I love you too." I say and kiss him.

"Gross." Our son Henry says.

"Get used to it buddy." Neal tells him.

"Oh crap Im late for work." I say.

I go up to my room change real fast and ran down stairs. I kissed Henry on his forehead and ran out.

Killian's POV

I sat in my bed and thought about what I did. I didnt mean to fuck my best friends wife. God damn it.

"Killian get your lazy ass up! We have to go!" Liam yells at me.

"Coming." I say to him.

I got dressed and we went to our family owned bar.

"My sons your late." My dad says.

"Killian's fault again." Liam says.

"Liam if you dont like being late then just dont come wake me up." I say to him.

"Someones in a mood." Elsa says.

"Not really I just had a weird morning." I say.

"Hey Killian was Emma alright?" Elsa asks.

"Emma what do you mean?" I question.

"Brother remember she came in crying and you went for a walk." Liam says.

"Oh duh! Neal and her got into a little fight and she just need some to talk to." I tell them.

"Well you have always been a good boy Killian." My dad says.

"Im cleaning out the back." I say and walked back to the back.

Emma's POV

"Emma your late!" Regina yells.

"Sorry, its just been one crazy night and then a crazy morning." I tell her.

"Oh that doesnt mean you can be late. Oh and where were you last night Neal called our place for hours looking for you." She says.

"I was talking to Killian. Then feel asleep on his couch." I lied.

"Well at least it was Killian and not some guy you just happened to sleep with and cheat on your husband with." She jokes.

"Haha." I say.

"Emma its a joke lighten up we all know that you would never cheat on Neal." She says.

"Yeah never I love him. We may fight sometimes but its okay. Plus we have a son an its just perfect." I say.

"Okay now that we talked you can do what you do best write your column. 1,000 words on my desk at the end of the day. Love Ya." She says walking away.

I didnt cheat on Neal! I didnt cheat on Neal. I didnt sleep with Killian! I didnt sleep with Killian. Lies all lies. Im just going to have to pretend it never happened. I feel so bad I did this to Neal, but I also feel like he kinda asked for it.

Killian's POV

The bar was open and we had out usual turn out. I was managing the bar when Neal sat down.

"Hey the usual?" I ask.

"No Im not stay. I just came by because Emma told Regina that she talk to you about what happened and then fell asleep on your couch. I just wanted to thank you. Your a great friend Killian." He says.

"It was my pleasure." I say.

"Just lucky it was us and not some guy that would sleep with her." He says.

"We wouldnt want that." I say.

"Well thanks again." He says and walks out.

Elsa was sitting down at a table and came over to me she pulled me to the back after my dad took the bar with Liam.

"What did you do?" She asks.

"Nothing." I lie.

"Killian Jones dont make me get your brother." She says.

"What do you want from me?" I ask her.

"Neal was thanking you for helping his wife and just happy it was you and not some creep that would sleep with her and you had that fake ass smile on your face." She says.

"What fake ass smile?" I ask.

"The one that you put on once you have done something stupid." She says.

"Look I cant tell you what it is. Just know that it was something stupid." I say.

"Killian please dont say you caught Emma cheating on Neal and just covered for her?" She question.

"Yeah thats what happened please dont tell anyone. Especially Liam he will make me tell Neal and I dont want to be that person." I say.

"Its safe with me." She says and walked away.

I dont know why I was so stupid. Why did I do it? Emma is married to my best friend. God Killian you fucked up big time. I know I should feel guilty and I do, but theres some part of me that doesnt.

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