Chapter 17

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Killian's POV

Neal and I searched everywhere for Milah, but we couldnt find her. So I decided to do the stupidest thing. I called her and let her know that I was over Emma.

"Killian are sure you want to do this?" Neal asks.

"Its the only way to catch her and make her confess what she did." I tell him.

"What if she wants proof? Your not going to hurt Emma are you?" He asks me.

"No. Oh and Neal I know this is a really bad time, but Im really sorry for taking Emma from you. Thats not what friends do." I tell him.

"Killian you have been apologizing for a long time now. Im over it. We both know that this wasnt your fault. I was terrible, but I changed.  You cant help how you feel. Plus it was my fault Emma left me, not yours." He says.

"You know the inter town hates me still because of it. The thing is you dont and I was the one who screwed you over." I tell him.

"Killian we have been friends for basically forever. I dont want to lose the strong bond, plus I kinda figured you two were up to something. I knew because Emma was way happier." He says to me.

"Thanks, now you need to go to Emma let me handle this. I dont want anyone else to get hurt by her." I tell him.

"Killian." He says.

"I mean it Neal. You have Henry and another kid on the way. You need to go." I tell him.

"And what about you? Emma needs you." He tells me.

"Milah wont hurt me, but she will hurt anyone that isnt me. Now go, but dont tell Emma. I will have to do that." I tell him.

"Good luck." He says and walks away.

After he had gone I continued where I was meeting Milah.

"There you are." She says to me.

"We need to talk." I tell her.

"We talk after we have sex." She says.

"Not until I know the truth." I say.

She just looked at me and smiled. I have know idea why I decided to meet with her, but it will make Emma safe.

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