Chapter 5

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Emma's POV

I walked around Italy all alone Neal was working and I was just alone. I heard my phone ring.

Phone Call

Emma: Hello.

Killian: Hey. Im I bothering you.

Emma: No your not bugging me. Im just walking all alone.

Killian: Im sorry about that Love.

Emma: No its okay. Hows Henry?

Killian: He's great. He just misses you.

Emma: I miss you too. I mean I miss him too.

Killian: Its all right Swan Im just that missable.

Emma: Shut up. I just want to come home.

Killian: Then just come home then.

Emma: Killian I dont know. Neal wont like that.

Killian: Okay. Well I better get going.

Emma: Alright bye.

End of the FlashBack.

I got back to the hotel and saw Neal at the desk working.

"Hey umm. Can we talk?" I ask him.

"Sure whats up." He says.

"I want to go home." I blurt out.

"Emma why?" He asks.

"Because your always working and I miss Henry so much. I just think I should go." I tell him.

"If you want its up to you." He says.

Killian's POV

Its been a few days since I have spoken to Emma and well I know I shouldnt feel this way about her but I cant help it I love her.

"Killian!" Henry yells.

"What?" I ask.

"I have been asking you what I need to do now and you have just been staring at the wall." He tells me.

"Oh right my dad and Liam just got a truck filled with boxes go help them unload it." I tell him.

"You got it." He says and walks off.

"So you put my son to work?" I heard Emma ask.

"Emma!" I say and hug her.

"Hey easy." She says.

"Sorry its just I didnt think you would come back." I say to her.

"Well with Neal working and Henry here I think you know why I had to come back." She says.

"Emma we cant do anything ever again. Your married." I tell her.

"Killian I know, but I just cant help it." She says.

"Emma Im sorry, but I dont know if I can keep this up. Behind his back." I tell her.

"Is there someone else?" She asks.

"No, its you and only you. I just dont know if...." I say but she cuts me off with a kiss.

"Lets just keep doing what we are doing no one will ever know." She says.

She walked out and before she left she gave me a sexual look and then she walked out. This is wrong! This is really wrong! My mind tells me. But my heart says other things.

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