Chapter 3

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Emma's POV

Why did I sleep with Killian again a few weeks ago. God something about him makes me crazy.

"Emma! Where are you?" Neal yells.

"Coming." I say.

I walked down and he had the weird look on his face.

"Ok what is the one thing you have always wanted to do?" He asks.

"Travel to a land of magic!" I joke.

"No seriously. You have always wanted to go to Rome remember. Well I my work is sending me there next week its a 3month trip and you get to come." He says.

"Neal, I would but Henry is starting high school next week and I dont know Neal." I say.

"Emma come on its all good. We'll be back by Christmas and Henry will stay with Killian." He says.

"I dont know if Henry will want that." I say.

"Henry! Hey come here!" Neal yells.

"Yeah dad?" Henry asks coming downstairs.

"Look we know your starting next high school week but I have to go to Rome for three months and I was wondering maybe I can leave with your mother and you can stay with Killian?" Neal asks.

"Sure." Henry says.

"Your really fine with kid?" I ask him.

"Yeah. Have fun." He says.

Killian's POV

I took Henry to my house after his parents left town. He was awfully quite.

"Hey lad whats wrong?" I ask him.

"Nothing." He says.

"Come on Pal talk. You nervous about high school?" I ask him.

"No!" He snaps.

"Whats the matter?" I ask.

"How do you do it?" He ask.

"Im sorry what?" I question.

"How do you watch the girl you love with another man?" He asks.

"Henry I have no idea what your talking about." I say.

"Oh please Killian, before when my parents would fight my mom would avoid him for days. When he is away on trips my mom drinks alone in her room while you keep your eyes on me." He says.

"Your mother just wants someone to talk to I was just trying to give her a friend. So I dont know what you mean." I say.

"Sure you do. I saw you kiss my mom. Yesterday outside the back of your families bar." He says.

"Lad listen you mother was drunk. You cant tell anyone." I tell him.

"Please she wasnt drunk and lets face it. Your in love with my mother and I know you two had sex that night my parents had that big fight." He says.

"Henry that never happened." I say.

"Yeah it did. I can tell. She was more opened and free after that night. Not something a pissed off woman who is hard headed would be after a fight. Unless she got something she wanted." He tells me.

"What are you going on about?" I ask.

"My mom thought I was asleep a few nights ago before my dad got home from his night on the town. I heard my mother making weird nosies and she kept saying I wish Killian was here." He says.

"That didnt happen. Your mother and I never happened!" I say to him.

"I know your lying and I dont care if it happened. I want my mom away from my dad." He says.

I pulled the car over to the side of the road.

"What? Do you mean by that boy?" I ask.

"My mom doesnt know I know, but my dad is abusive especially when he is drunk. That night my mom went to you he almost hit her, but she ran out. She didnt know I saw." He tells me.

"Are you sure thats what happens?" I ask.

"Am Im pretty sure my dad has been cheating on my mom longer then she has been cheating on him." He tells me.

"Look for now we never speak of this again okay. Now come on Im putting you to work for the next three months." I tell him.

"You going to let a 14 year old work at a bar?" He asks.

"My dad let me and Liam work here when we were 14 stacking boxes in the back. Can you handle that lad?" I ask.

"Aye Aye Captain." He says and salutes me.

He walked in the back and started working. Thoughts of things he said were stuck in my head. Could Neal really hurt Emma? Could he be cheating on her? Could Swan really want me?

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