Chapter 8

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Emma's POV

Killian isnt going to stop being around just so he could be with some stupid dumb bitch. It was a late night and I was sitting with Neal on the couch.

"Emma. I was think maybe you and I should have another baby." Neal says.

"Umm I dont know." I say.

"Dont you want another baby?" He asks.

"Not really." I say to him.

"Well why not?" He asks.

"I just dont want to have another baby. Okay." I say and walk out.

I went out for a walk and saw Killian at the docks. I slapped the back of his head and sat next to him.

"Emma! Why did you slap me?" He asks.

"You stops being around me, and now Neal wants a another baby." I tell him.

"So what. Have another baby with your husband." He says.

"No. I dont want to. Killian I cant get you or the things you do out of my head. I need you. I want you." I say.

"Emma? Killian? Whats going on?" Neal asks from behind.

"Nothing." Killian lies.

"No, there was stuff going on Neal. I slept with Killian more then once and Henry knows about it." I tell him.

"What!" Neal says.

"Okay just calm down." I say to him.

He had been drinking and when he drinks he gets violent. He tired punch Killian, but Killian stopped him.

"Okay I know you mad and I am very sorry that you had to find this out this way." Killian says.

"It was all my fault not Killian's." I tell him.

Neal slaps me in the face and Killian punched him before he could hurt me anymore. Killian took me back to my place.

"Killian please cant Henry and I stay with you?" I ask him.

"I think its best if you stay with a friend." Killian tells me.

"Your a friend of mine, please let us stay." I beg.

"Im sorry Emma, but no." He say.

"Killian please. I dont feel safe with anyone, but you." I say.

"Fine, just until Neal is calm and sober." He says.

"Thanks." I say.

Henry and I got some of our stuff and we were staying with Killian for awhile. I dont know why I even stay with Neal oh yeah I stay with him for Henry.

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