Chapter 19

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Emma's POV

Its been a few months since the accident and Killian had be staying at my place and hasnt left. He says its because he cant lose me. I wake up to a missing Killian and the smell of waffles in the house.

"Okay so all you have to do its tell her the truth before its two late." I heard Killian say.

"What if she doesnt want to be with me that way?" I heard Henry ask.

"Look just talk to her. Trust me it will be easier to know how she feels now before she ends up pregnant with his child and then many years later you get her.... Okay that sounded bad." Killian says.

"No I get it. I think I'll tell her today and see how it goes." Henry says.

"Hey guys." I say walking downstairs.

"Hey Mom, I gotta go." Henry says walking out the door.

"Hey beautiful." Killian says kissing my cheek.

"Hey what was happening in here?" I ask him.

"Just dating advice." He says.

"Ahhh so you had a problem with asking a girl out when you were young?" I ask him.

"So you heard?" He asks.

"Yes I did. Killian you should have just asks me out." I tell him.

"I was afraid you'd say no." He says.

"Well if you knew how thing would have been would you have asked me out then?" I ask him.

"No." He says.

"What do you mean no?" I ask.

"Because you wouldnt have Henry." He says to me.

"Good point, but you know Neal and I broke up when I was pregnant why didnt you ask me then?" I ask him.

"Because I couldnt do that to Neal or the child." He says.

"Would you change that answer if you knew how our lives would be now?" I ask.

"Nope, I would have lost Neal for sure. I know its weird. Neal and I have been close for along long time and at that time he would have come between us. Now that we are older he's not sure a step in." He tells me.

"Killian can I ask you something?" I ask him.

"Sure whats up?" He asks me.

"Can you come upstairs with me?" I ask him.

"Sure what for?" He asks.

"You know what I want you to do, but this time dont put the condom on." I tell him.

"Swan, you know that you could end up with a baby right?" He asks.

"Yes and as long as its yours I dont mind." I tell him.

"So thats what all this is about you want another child and this time with me." He says.

"Yes okay. I just didnt know how to ask you." I tell him.

"Its okay my love. I would love to have a baby with you. If its what you want." He says.

"Not if I want if we want. So Killian do you want to have a baby with me?" I ask him.

He looked away from me and looks at the stove top making sure everything is off.

"Get upstairs Love." He says.

I ran upstairs and he followed behind very closely.

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