Chapter 12

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Killian's POV

It happened. She happened. Shes back. I thought I left her in the past. The only other woman I have loved before Emma.

"Killian I've missed you." Milah says and kisses my cheek.

"Umm me too." I say and hug her.

"I bet your wondering why Im here." She says.

"Yeah I am. Why are you here?" I ask her.

"Well I was going throw old photos and found one from when we were together and I realized I missed you." She says and tries to kiss me.

"No." I say and push her off me.

"What why?" She asks.

"Im with someone." I tell her.

"Who?" She asks.

"Killian!" Emma yells.

"Is that your whore?" Milah asks.

"She isnt a whore." I say.

"Wait isnt she married?" She asks.

"Shes getting a divorce. Now if you excuse me. She needs me right now." I say walking away from Milah and going to Emma.

I pulled Emma in for a long kiss and held her close to me.

"What was that for? Also who was that you were talking to?" She asks me.

"Well that kiss was because I love you. Also that girl is an old friend. Shes no one important." I tell her.

"Well okay. I love you too." She says and kisses me.

"Lets go to your place and hang out." I say to her.

"Well come along Swan." I say and take her hand.

Neal's POV

I was walking to my car when the woman shut my door.

"Are you Neal Cassidy?" She asks me.

"Yeah why?" I ask.

"Im new to town and I heard your best friend Killian stole your wife." She says.

"Yeah, but its all good Emma never looked at me the way she looks at him." I tell her.

"The town sees you now a man that lost his wife to his friend. Dont you want to make Killian pay?" She asks.

"Not really. He is still my best friend. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go." I say and get into my car and drive away.

What the hell was all that about? What a strange new lady.

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