Chapter 20

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Emma's POV

"Henry! Killian! Dinner!" I yell.

"Coming mom!" Henry yells.

"Hey can you two be quiet?" Killian asks.

"Why? Whats the problem?" I ask him.

"Well the problem is. I just got our two year old son to sleep." Killian  says.

"Sorry." I say and kissed his cheek.

"Your so cute." He says.

"So why did Liam go to bed early today?" Henry asks.

"He isnt feeling to well so I put him to bed." Killian says.

"Awww such a good Daddy." I say and kiss his cheek.

We had our lovely meal and Henry then went out with his girlfriend for the night.

"Can you believe how all this happened?" Killian asks me.

"Well I cheated on my husband, but after awhile I got another one. One I love more then anything." I tell him.

"I love you too." He says and kisses me.

"Daddy, I threw up." Our son Liam say coming downstairs.

"Aww come here little lad. Daddy's got you." Killian says and holds him.

"Is he warm?" I ask.

"Yeah he is. But Doctor Whale told me its the flu." He tells me.

"Did you take him to the doctors?" I ask.

"Yeah I had to make sure he was okay." He tells me.

"Daddy I feel bad." Liam says.

"Okay handsome lets go to your room." Killian says.

He carries him off and I just watch them. Killian is such a good father to his son and to Henry. Even though I was his Best Friend's Wife. We still made everything work. I couldnt be more happier with my life. This time it was a forced marriage because of pregnancy it was real true love and I wouldnt change anything.

Well thats the end of this story. Thanks for reading. I have new stories on the way so keep an eye out.

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