Chapter 2

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Emma's POV

I have been avoiding Killian at all cost for the last couple weeks. I was just getting home from running some errands when there was a note on the door.

Emma, I have a business trip and I dont know how long it will take, but Killian said he'll keep an eye on Henry when your not home. Love you, Neal.

Great Killian will be around for awhile. As long as its not weird.

"Ha! I win again!" Henry yells.

"Damn!" Killian screams.

"Oh Hi mom." Henry says when he sees me.

"Hey kid." I say.

"You need help?" Killian asks.

"Oh sure! Killian go ahead." I say.

I followed him out and I stopped him.

"Whats the problem?" He asks.

"Why are you here?" I ask him.

"Neal ask me to help out while he is away. Im just being a good friend." He tells me.

"Where you being a good friend the night we slept together." I say to him.

"Thats not fair Swan. You have the same amount of say in that then I do." He says to me.

"Fine your right. Im sorry I just dont want this to be weird." I say to him.

"Look we made a mistake. Now lets just leave in the past." He says.

He helped me with the rest of the groceries and put the stuff in the house. Henry went over to a friends house and Killian was just about to leave.

"Killian wait!" I yell.

"Yeah?" He asks turning around.

"I need to know. Were you drunk that night or did you pretend to be?" I ask him.

"Emma Im not sure what your asking." He says.

"Your not saying yes. Which means you wanted to." I say to him.

"Emma.. Your married to Neal." He says.

"I dont really care right now." I say and kiss him.

He kissed back and held me close to him. Not ever wanting to let go of him.

"Emma we cant do this." He says.

"I know I shouldnt but I cant help myself. I want you. Neal cant do what you do to me." I say.

"Swan, I cant not again." He says.

"Dont worry Im not telling anyone." I say and kiss him.

I grab his hand and pull him upstairs. I know that this is wrong and I cant help it. Something about Killian Jones makes me crazy.

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