Chapter 18

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Killian's POV

"Come here Killian and give me a kiss." Milah says walking to me.

"No go away." I tell her.

"But you said it was over with Emma." She says.

"I know what I said, but I cant do this unless I know did you try to hurt her?" I ask.

"I will answer that when you sleep with me." She says coming over to me.

"I cant do that unless I know the truth." I tell her.

"Fine yes Killian. I tried to kill Emma. Now you sexy man come here." She says.

As she comes over to me the town sheriff arrests her.

"Your under arrest for attempt of murder." The sheriff says.

"You set me up." Milah says to me.

"Did you really think I would live Emma for you. Cause if you did then your insane." I say and walk away.

"Once Im out Im coming for both of you." Milah yells.

Why would she yell that in front of cops? I went to the hospital and told Neal what happened and he had told me Emma isnt to happy that I did come see her. When I walked into her room she was pissed.

"I love you." I say to her.

"Where the hell were you? Neal told me you were busy!" She yells at me.

"Emma, I got the person who did this to you." I tell her.

"You could have said hi first." She says.

"Emma I know, but I couldnt face you knowing that you were hurt because of me." I say.

"Killian I love you. You could have talked to me first." She says.

"Emma my sweet Im just didnt want you to worry. I love you okay." I say and kiss her head.

"I love you too." She says.

"Now Emma, it was Milah who tried ti harm you, but shes gone now." I tell her.

"What did you do? Did she kiss you? Or maybe..." She says.

"No I wouldnt let her touch me. She thought I would if she told me, cause I kinda said I would. Knowing she would want to get me she confessed." I tell her.

"Your so stupid, but I love you." She say.

"Now my Swan, you get some sleep I'll be here when you awake." I tell her.

She nodded and slowly fell asleep. I held her hand and kissed it. I almost lost her. I cant lose her. I love her. I love my Emma Swan.

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