Chapter 10

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Killian's POV

I was working at the bar when Emma walked inside. As soon as I saw her I walked right to the back I am not putting up with her shit. People around town hate me now, not one of them trusts me anymore and its all her fault.

"Killian come on out I need you at the bar." My dad says.

"Fine." I say and walk out.

"Well there you are." Emma says when she sees me.

"What can I get you Miss.Swan?" I ask her.

"Really? Your going to treat me like Im a costumer?" She asks.

"Well if you came for a drink I can get you one. If you can here to talk I dont want to hear it. If you came for other stuff go away." I tell her.

"Killian, Neal and I are getting a divorce. We just have to wait till its finalized, but now we can be together." She says.

"I dont to be with you Emma." I tell her.

"I dont believe you." She says pushing me to the back of the bar.

"Well its the truth." I say.

"Bull. You cant tell me you dont like this." She says and kisses me.

As much as I want to fight it I cant. Her lips are so soft and she is so perfect.

"Im sorry Emma I cant." I tell her.

"I know you can. You just have to let yourself." She says and kisses me again.

"Emma I just feel so guilty. Im a homewrecker Emma." I say to her.

"You didnt wreck anything. Neal and I had no spark. We had no real love. All we had was a kid at a young age, but what I have with you is real. I feel better when Im with you." She tells me.

"Everyone in town will hate us and look at us weird." I tell her.

"It doesnt matter all that matters is the way you look at me. Just like you do now. That look Killian thats all I need. The look of someone who truly loves me." She says to me.

"I do truly love you Emma, but..." I say.

"No more buts Killian. Just kiss me like I know you want to." She says.

I pulled her close and kissed her just like she wanted. Just like I wanted to do the first time we ever met.

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