Chapter 6

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Emma's POV

Its been a few weeks and Killian and I are having sex almost everyday. Why am I doing this? Well I know why its because Neal is never around.

"Mom!" Henry yells walking inside the house.

"Ok Killian get off me. It looks like we have to finish this later." I say and kiss him.

I make myself decent and Killian leaves out the window. One of these days he will get hurt doing that.

"Mom, hey when is dad coming home?" He asks me.

"Like a month or longer why?" I ask.

"No reason. Its just all the boys in my class are talking about how they are spending all weekend with their dads and mine isnt around." He says.

"Im sorry Kid you know his job keeps him out." I say.

"Yeah I know, so I wanted to ask you if it would be okay if I asked Killian if I could hang out with him all weekend?" He asks.

"Killian? Really? You want Killian out of all the older men you know?" I ask.

"Yeah Killian is amazing and we get along well. I wont if you think its wrong to chose Killian instead of dad." He says.

"No its not wrong to bond with Killian while your father is away. Im sure you father wont mind." I say to him.

"But he will mind what you and Killian are doing." He says with a smirk on his face.

"What? Nothing is happening." I lie.

"No need to lie mom. I have known for a while now and I have to say you really should play with his emotions." He says.

"Henry what your dad doesnt know wont hurt him." I say.

"I was talking about Killian." He says and goes to his room.

What does he mean by that? Killian and I are just doing something wrong, but theres no harm in that well between us really. Over the next few days Henry had Killian with him and I was alone like always.

"Mom Im back." Henry says walking in.

"Hey its good to see you again." I say and hug him.

"No need to look for Killian he left. He also told me to tell you fun is fun but that he cant do it anymore." He says.

"What? You told him you know?" I question.

"No he knew I know since you left with dad, but he said he was done." He tells me.

"Why?" I ask.

"Maybe because its wrong and its also wrong that I know about it." He tells me.

"I need to talk to him." I say and grab my keys.

"Mom he doesnt want to see you. Im sorry." He says taking my keys.

"I dont know whats wrong? Is it me Henry? Does Killian not like me?" I ask him.

"Mom your cheating on your husband with his best friend and your son knows about it. It cant be anymore wrong. But Killian isnt some toy to play with. I know Killian and what your doing to him crushes him. He hates doing this. He told me that you should just be happy you have dad and leave him alone in that sense. Im sorry mom." Henry says and hugs me.

He went upstairs and I sat on the couch. Why do I feel like crying? Im married and I love my husband. At least I think I do. Im not so sure anymore.

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