Chapter 11

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Emma's POV

The papers of divorce hasnt gone threw yet, but Neal has official moved out of the house.

"Mom, can I ask you something?" Henry asks.

"Sure. Whats on your mind?" I ask him.

"Im really happy for you and Killian, but do I really have to go back and forth?" He asks.

"Henry no matter what Neal is your father. Your still his son. I cant change that and neither can you." I say to him.

"But mom I dont know if I can be around him. After all he did hit you." He says.

"Henry I know you dont like that he did that, but your father would never hurt you and if he has or if he ever does then we can do something." I say.

"I guess I better get somethings to move over to his place." He says and walked up to his room.

"Emma! Emma!" Neal yells outside the door.

I opened it and saw Killian all beat up. He was holding on to his ribs, Neal was holding him up and he looked like a mess.

"Killian, what the hell happened?" I ask him.

"Nothing." He says as I helping Neal help him to the couch.

"I found him like this." Neal says.

"Killian, answer me." I say.

"Fine an old friend of Liam's came to visit the bar and they wanted to hurt him. So I stepped in my brothers place." He tells me.

"Here let me help you." I say to him.

"No, Swan Im fine." He tells me.

"I better go." Neal says leaving.

"Neal, Thank you." I say as he walked out.

"Emma Im fine really." Killian tells me.

"Now your not. Your not leaving until I fix you." I tell him.

"Im okay Swan." He says.

"No your not Jones." I say.

I cleaned off his cuts and sat him on the couch. After I was done I held his face in my hand and couldnt help but cry.

"Emma Im fine." He says.

"I know. I just love you so much that saying you this way makes me sad." I tell him.

He took my hand and pulled me onto the couch and I laid on his chest.

"You here that. Its my heart and it only beats for you." He says and kisses my head.

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