Chapter 13

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Emma's POV

Im going to kill Killian how dear he kiss that girl. I walked into the house and sat on the couch. When Killian walked into the house.

"I can explain." He says to me.

"I dont want to hear it Killian." I say to him.

"Emma she kissed me. I dont even like her." He says to me.

"Are you sure about that. You seemed really into that kiss!" I yell at him.

"Emma please my sweet I love you no matter what that kiss looks like. It meant nothing. You mean everything to me." He says.

"If that were true then you wouldnt have kissed her." I tell him.

"Emma dont do this. I love you." He tells me.

"Go away Killian. I hate you." I say to him.

"Fine hate me. Maybe you shouldnt have left your husband then." He says angrily and walked out.

I knew he didnt mean that or maybe he does mean it?

"Emma, why did Killian just rush out of here?" Neal asks me.

"He was kissing some girl and I yelled at him." I tell him.

"Did she have black her, blue eyes, and an accent?" He asks me.

"Yeah why?" I ask him.

"Because that same woman told me to try and break you and Killian up I told her I wasnt interested . I guess when he saw her before he told er no or something like that." He tells me.

"You think she kissed him on purpose?" I ask him.

"Emma I know Killian. Yes he did something wrong to me, but he is a loyal and loving person. He would never hurt you." He tells me.

"I guess I should find him before I lose him. Wait why did you come here?" I ask him.

"Oh right I came to pick Henry up." He says.

"He is in his room." I tell him.

"Now go." He tells me.

I ran out the door and went over to Killian's he wasnt home. I went to his friends and families houses as well no Killian. I then went to the bar Liam was there.

"Liam have you seen Killian?" I ask him.

"Not since this morning." He says.

"Fuck. Okay." I say and walk out.

"Look at you want blonde dumb whore, but Killian is mine now." I heard someone say.

"I dont think so." I say facing her.

"Oh please you dont even know where he is." She tells me.

"Neither do." I say.

"Oh please I know where my Killian goes." She says.

"Right where he goes. The forest of course." I say and start walking that way.

"Not if I find him first." She says.

She ran past me and got ahead very far ahead. I turned around and went to the docks where Killian was sitting on a bench.

"I found you." I say to him.

"I thought you hated me?" He asks.

"I can never hate the man I love." I say and kiss him.

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