Chapter 4

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Emma's POV

I was in Italy with Neal and he was never around and when he was he was drunk.

"Emma!" Neal yells.

"Yes." I say walking into the room.

"Theres my girl." He says and kisses me.

"Neal your drunk." I say pushing him off me.

"Dont push me away Emma." He says grabbing my arm and pinching my arms.

"Neal please." I beg him.

"Dont tell me what to do!" He says and pushes me in the face.

Killian's POV

My eyes shoot open it was just a dream. Emma's not in any danger. I heard a knock at my door at 4 in the morning thats very odd. I got up and answered it.

"Liam? Whats wrong?" I ask him.

"Have you seen Elsa? I cant find her anywhere." He tells me.

"Sorry I havent seen her since the bar last night." I tell him.

"Thanks anyway brother." He says and walked away.

I went back to been and another hour later there was another knock my door. I got up and answered it.

"Hey Killian." Elsa says.

"Elsa Liam is worried sick about you. Where were you?" I ask her.

"I had to pick someone up from the airport." She says.

"Who?" I ask.

"Look for yourself." She says.

She moved out of the way and Emma was all beat up.

"Emma." I say and go over to her.

"Killian.. Help me." She says.

"Come on Love." I say and carry her inside.

"Elsa thank you for being a good friend." Emma tells her.

"Yep." She says and leaves.

"Killian I love you." Emma tells me.

"And I love you." I tell her.

"Im going to kill both of you." Neal says.

Henry's POV

Well that was a good dream gone bad. I got up and looked at the clock. Time for school.

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