1~ Love at First Sight Pt1

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Felicity's POV
My stiletto heels clicked against the white polished stone pathway as I ran. I'm surprised I haven't tripped....yet. Assassins are hot on my heels. Of course how did I get into this situation, I don't know myself.
I was sent to Barbados on a mission to find out about a drug trafficking group. I broke into the base, got some information, took a few photos of evidence and then.... Ahh that's why I'm here. I ran into the president of the trafficking group and accidentally killed him; now I've got assassins on my tail waiting to see my blood spill. Just another day in the life of a spy I guess.

I continued my way down the pathway into what seemed to be a rich mans estate, no wait, a fancy ass hotel. I jumped over a fence and turned to fire bullets at the assassins. I shot 3 and completely miss. I tried again but I find out my gun is empty.

'Shit' I murmured as a spun on my heel and continued running.
I get to the front of the hotel and slow down to a speed walk as to not look like a maniac. I get into the hotel and spot a mirror and start sorting myself out.

I pull down my white blouse and retuck it into my peach tapered trousers and readjusted the strap of my bag. I made sure I looked presentable.

Suddenly, I spotted the assassins in the mirror and before I could pull out my gun I felt someone grab my arm.

"Excuse me Madam but you have no right to be in this hotel." The hotel guard told me as he kept his firm grip on me.

"Okay listen here," I said impatiently "I have enough to deal with already so if you could-"

"Miss Felicity." I turn to see the assassins smiling at me. Great. "You should be back at you house." One of them carried on, smiling sickeningly. Another one of the assassins tried to grab my arm but I pulled away. I still had the guard gripping on to me tightly and I still need a free hand.

"Please miss Felicity you need to get home" the first assassin said through gritted teeth. I was about to lash out and-

"Excuse me men." All of us turned to see a guy all in white standing in front of us. And I have to admit, he was good looking.

A/N part 1 done! I know it's boring so far but trust me it will get better soon! I swear. 😀

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