19~ Revealed

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Seungcheol's POV

3 weeks later

Felicity's been really on edge for the past few weeks. I get why she is, but I have with feeling it's not just the death wish we have on our hands. Some nights she wakes up with night mares and I comfort her, other nights she gets up and has to go to the bathroom to puke and she also talks in her sleep which she has never done before. I started to worry about her and had to make up excuses for her to my parents but each time my mum seemed to have this look on her face but I never really asked her.

Today I stood outside our on suit as I waited for Licy to finish up in the bathroom; third time today. I leaned on the door frame to the bathroom and called out her name, all I got in reply was her vomiting. Was she ill? Does she need a doctor? At that point I hear the toilet flush and the tap run then the door open to reveal her; she looked awful. Bags were under eyes, her skin seemed even more pale and she seemed so dead. She looked at me with doe eyes before I came close to her and hugged her tightly.

"Listen, you've been like this for the last three weeks. I think you need a doctor Licy. I know this whole situation is stressing you but this is just-"

"It's not because of the situation Cheol." she said quietly. I stopped and pulled back to look at her.

"Then what is it?" I asked. She looked at me then the floor then took a breath.

"We're gonna be parents." she said calmly with a slight smile. I froze for a second, taking in what she had just said to me; we're gonna be parents. A mum and dad to a mini us.

"Parents?" I said in disbelief. She nodded smiling even more now. "Like a mum and dad?" she nodded again. I broke out into a huge smile and lifted her off her feet and twirled her around. "I'm gonna be a dad!" I yelled out as she giggled and repeatedly hit me in the chest telling me to stop spinning. I stopped then dropped us both onto the bed next to each other and hugged her.

"Why didn't you say earlier?" I asked, my nose nuzzled into her neck.

"I was scared Cheol, and still am..."

"About me?" I asked in confusion as I pulled back to look at her.

"No no no! You're perfect more perfect than anything. It's just with us on the murder list, how will we bring him/her up?" she asked looking up at me. She was right. We were on the run and had barely gotten away. Now we're on the death list of both of our companies and in hiding, so how would we bring them up?

"I'll protect us. No matter what, I swear we will live and have this child. No-one's gonna hurt us." I said hugging her even tighter this time. She nodded and just held onto me. I don't know how long we stayed there before I got the idea of telling my parents. We both got up and held hands as we walked down into the living room where they were sitting on the couch watching TV. Mum turned around to look at us and smiled.

"You told him?" she said. I looked confused and looked down at Felicity who blushed and nodded with a smile.

"Wait you knew?" I asked mum and she nodded. Dad looked completely confused and in the end we all explained that they were going to be grandparents. My dad stood up and hugged us both in joy, a few tears brimming to fall. Both of them were buzzing about the whole thing; what gender is it? What's it's name gonna be? Would they look more like me or Licy, we spent the whole night chatting away.

Later that night

Felicity curled up into my chest as I hugged her. She usually does this to help her fall asleep.



"Where are you planning for us to go?" She asked her eyes closed whilst mumbling into my chest.

"Well, I was kinda planning to stay here. I mean it's quiet and no one will find us out here. And now a mini us is gonna be running around this will be the perfect place for them to grow up." I replied, stroked her hair. I waited for a reply before realising she'd fallen asleep. I smiled at her cuteness before closing my eyes and drifting off.

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