22~ Pain

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Seungcheol' POV

I gased the pedal as I drove towards the Light Warehouse which had been abandoned for years; perfect place to settle this... I was constantly thinking about Felicity and what they were doing to her at this moment. I wasn't stupid, I knew I couldn't fight them all off by myself, hence why I decided to give me boss a call. Technically, they never announced a manhunt for me, and technically I never told them about Licy. I ring him up asking for back up whilst also explaining the whole story and situation.

Surprisingly he took it well, saying that he should've just said. Apparently the rule for killing a person who knew your identity was flexible for loved ones. Great now I feel even more stupid; if I had told him in he first place this wouldn't have happened. I ended the call feeling reassured that I would have back up. I arrived at the warehouse. It was quite big with molding bricks and broken windows and an eerie aura to it. I locked the car and proceeded to enter. I didn't have any gun or weapon so whatever fight there was I had a disadvantage. I opened a huge door leading into a factory looking place, then, at the end of the room, there was a shining light which shone onto a chair with a slouched figure sitting in it and their hair draped over their face; Felicity. My heart skipped a beat but then sunk as I noticed the darkened figures around her and one of them walked forward.

"So you did come? Cute how you came to save her." She said. As she did Felicity stirred behind her and lifted her head. "Perfect timing, it's like in those movies." I finally figured out that it was the boss speaking. Licy lifted her head and made eye contact with me then her eyes widened.

"Cheol run they're-" one of the figures cut her off punching her in the stomach earning a painful groan from her; the baby.

"Leave her alone! You wanted me here I am, take me, punish me, kill me do whatever you want but don't you dare hurt the baby!" I yelled as I strode into the room. The guards immediately took a stance, ready to attack me, but the boss lifted up a hand to stop them.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, Mr.Choi." She smirked at me, evil dotting her eyes. "You see, we have to eliminate anyone you finds out a spy's identity, and also traitors." She pointed to Felicity who was still groaning in pain from the hit. My heart seemed to stop as I winced at the sight of her in agony. She doesn't deserve this, but I brought it to her 'cause of my recklessness. I looked back to the boss who was giving me a cold stare; burning holes into my soul.

"Please, just leave her alone. I'm here. Just-just please don't hurt her." I said. I tight feeling in my throat forming, tears started to form but not fall. "Don't hurt our child." As I said 'child' something in her eyes faltered in the cold stare, a slight hurt look? She took a deep breathe and let it out hen looked back at Felicity who had sat up now, breathing heavily and looking at me. The boss sneered then looked back at me.

"I'm not a murderer." she said in a cold tone. "But I don't like being made a fool of, or, nearly being killed." she seemed to have softened up a bit, but I still kept my guard up. "But I guess today is when I get my triple whammy." she gave a wide smile and let out laughter. Anger burst through me and I charged at her.

Felicity's POV

My vision was blurred and my head throbbed, not to mention my stomach felt like it was being ripped apart. Through my hazy vision I saw Cheol charging at two of the guards and easily knocked both of them out with an upper cut and high kick. More guards ran his way, one grabbing his arm as he tried to defeat two others. The whole time my boss was just standing there a smirk across her face; I fear her. Not for my life but for Cheol's and our baby. Cheol was restrained by two guards whilst three lay on the floor unconscious. He kept yelling to leave me alone, to kill him, I wanted to shout back to him but I realised I can't react anymore; my brain seems to have shut down. I can't move, I can barely breathe and the pain and throbbing is getting stronger and unbearable.

"You really thought you could come here by yourself and defeat me?" My boss said in a low toned voice."You're as dumb as you-" before she could finish the doors to the ware house flew open and the sound of guns echoed through the abandoned building. I wanted to run but being tied down and unable to react I just say there slumped, trying to get a good glimpse of the situation. I heard shouts and I saw men in black army outfits yelling for everyone to out their hands up. The boss suddenly walked up to them yelling something before being cut off as a shot echoed through the building; she fell limp onto the floor, a puddle of red liquid forming beneath her.

Suddenly my name was being called; Cheol. I wanted to run to him, hug him, kiss him and never let go, yet I can't move. At this point my head was hanging low and I couldn't see anything but the stone floor beneath me. I felt my hands being untied but wasn't quick enough to catch myself as I fell forward. I felt his arms wrap around me to stop me hitting the floor, then felt myself being turned to face him as I lay on him lap sitting on the floor. He was crying, it pained me to see him like this and all I wanted to do was to wipe his tears away and say everything is fine; but is it. I heard him calling to me, telling me to stay conscious, but I knew I would fall unconscious soon enough, too soon as I blacked out to an abyss.

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