23~ Perfect Life

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Felicity's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and squinted at the bright whiteness of the room I was in; a hospital room. I shifted my head to the side to see Cheol, sleeping peacefully in the chair across the room. I smiled lightly before groaning as I felt my head starting to pound a bit. Cheol lifted his head up sleepily and caught my eye before his eyes widened and he ran over to me and knelt down beside the bed I was in.

"Licy! You woke up! How are you feeling? Is anything hurting?" he questioned me. Tears were making their way down his face and I reached out to wipe them away. I rested my hand on his cheek and he put his hand over it. I smiled as I felt a tear slowly make its way down my cheek as I looked at him; we were alive.

"I'm fine. But what happened in the ware house?" I asked as I tried to sit up. Cheol stood up and helped me rest my back onto a propped up pillow. He told me how his company had agreed to help him take down my company, their timing was perfect as they burst in just as they were about to kill us. I had fainted and been rushed to the hospital, the doctor said there are no major damages to the baby that will affect it when its born. I sighed in relief. A nightmare followed by a dream.

"So what now? Are we still being hunted?" I asked. Cheol took my hand and held in between his hands.

"No, we're safe now. My company is taking care of it." he said, smiling at me. I smiled back before my smile dropped.

"Where are mum and dad?" I asked. Cheol's face changed into a sad expression before he dropped his head. I regretted asking but I had to know.

"Dad's gone." he said. My heart dropped and I held back tears. I replayed his scream from the night in my head, I should've done something, anything, risk my own life for him.

"I'm sorry Cheol. I could've done something yet I was too late, I'm- I" I couldn't fine words as tears started to fall. Cheol leaned forward to hug me and stroke my hair.

"It's okay, non of us knew this would happen. He died knowing he would protect you. He's always in our hearts." He said, his voice slightly hoarse as he spoke. I silently sobbed into his chest, thinking over everything.

"And what about mum, is she-"

"She's fine. She's devastated by dad's death but she's glad you and I are safe." He said. I still sobbed, feeling guilt rip through me. Cheol comforted me and cooed in my ear, attempting to calm me down. In the end it worked, but I knew that his death would still be on my mind for a while if not for the rest of my life. After finally calming down a doctor walked in saying I could leave the hospital.

It took us an hour to pack up and get ready, yet I wasn't excited to go home; what will Cheol's mum really think of me? Would she really care for the safety of me over her grieving of her husband? He noticed my worry and took my hand in his, intertwining our fingers. I looked at him and he gave me a reassuring smile, I gave a small smile back, still nervous as heck. Cheol drove us back to his, and for the whole journey I was worrying of what would happen. Finally arrived there and everything seems normal; quiet and peaceful.

Cheol took my hand and walked up to the door then turned to me and looked me in the eye. He leaned in and gave me a passionate kiss on the lips whilst snaking his arms around my waist. I leaned in further deepening the kiss and wrapping my arms around his neck. He pulled back and looked me in the eye.

"You know, this is the start of our new life." he said smirking. Something inside me at that moment seemed to be enlightened as he said that; a life of no secrets, no hiding and no death threats. I gave a wide smile and hugged him tightly and he hugged back. "Everything's gonna be perfect, especially when our baby girl is here." he said putting his hands on the little bump forming.

That was the first time in a while that I felt relieved, safe and loved. Finally our life was normal..... for now.

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