5~ Awkward Mission

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At the building - The Mission

I quickly took out the guards before any one of them could radio someone or shout out. I found a partially open window and slid through it to find myself inside an abandoned hotel.
I listened out for voices and followed them. I stopped at every corner and listened for more guards. After taking out a few more guards I heard static and a voice in my earpiece.

"Ally? Are you there?" I whispered.

"Yep, and I'm ready to help." She replied in a light tone

"Great, now where is the rest of the team?"

"They are outside waiting for your signal."

"Perfect, now tell me where the boss is." I asked and Ally directed me to what seemed to be a fancy dining area with two men in it. One standing, the guard, and one sitting at not of the tables, the boss.

I assessed where the guard was standing and planned on taking him out then going along with the plan which was to distract the boss.

"Ally, I found the boss. I'm gonna take out the guard now." I whispered.

"Okay then distract the boss with your beauty" Ally remarked giggling. I sighed.

"I have a husband you know that don't you."

"I'm only kidding, now go ahead and beat the shit out of that guard."

"Thanks." I said bluntly before moving to an air vent. I climbed into it and silently crawled along until I was close enough for the guard.
     I dropped from the vent onto the ground and before the guard could react I did a high kick to the jaw followed by a side bunch then upper cut. I pushed him with full force causing him to land on a table breaking it. I smirked and turned to the boss but then it hit me; why would he only have one guard with him. This all seems suspicious now.

"Seems a bit of a risk to have one guard doesn't it?" I asked him. He just smirked at me. Another realisation hit me. He's drunk. Very drunk. So drunk he can't comprehend that he is about to get arrested.

"Ally, I got the boss send-" I was cut off by a loud bang. I immediately pulled out a balaclava put it on as so no-one can blow my cover. I spun round and whipped out my gun to point it at the noise source.

Standing there was a person, a man, with a black mask covering his face. Great a distraction.

"Felicity? Felicity? Have you been breached? What happened?" Ally spoke in my ear seemingly worried.

"Ally there is another guy here send in the group whilst I kick this guys ass." I said still pointing the gun at the guy.

"Kick my ass huh? Usually I don't hit girls but I won't mind hitting back." The guy said. He sounded familiar but his voice was slightly muffled. But still familiar....

Seungcheol's POV

I strolled into the abandoned hotel. No guards. Strange. I walked through all the hallways still no guards until I came across some beat up ones. Damn someone must already be here.
Suddenly I heard voices from a nearby room and I listened in. I didn't hear much but when I peeked around the wall I saw a female figure with her back towards me. She didn't look like a guard of the boss since she was questioning him.
   I prepared my self by putting a mask on to conceal my face and started to walk in until I accidentally knocked over a vase on a nervy table. The girl immediately pulled out a balaclava and then turned around with a gun already pulled out. We both examined each other and then the girl spoke.

"Ally there's another guy in here send in the group whilst I kick this guys ass." She said. I guessed she was talking through a head set or an ear piece but something bugged me. She sounded familiar, too familiar.  She sounded like... Felicity? No it can't be, my mind's probably messing with me.

"Kick my ass huh?" I said, I pushed the thought of Felicity away and focuses on the moment. "Usually I don't hit girls but I won't mind hitting back." I said. She put her gun down and chuckled.

Before I could react she sprinted up to kick me in the chest. I easily gripped her ankles and propelled her backwards causing her to flip but she landed gracefully and did an uppercut but I dodged and grabbed her arm. I then grabbed her waist and threw her into a nearby table.

She seemed to not move for a bit so I went I bit closer to see who she actually was but that was a mistake. She grabbed my wrist and flipped onto my back kicking me in the process then she started punching me. I run backwards into a wall crushing her between me and the wall. I heard her grunt and felt her loosen her grip on me so I took this opportunity to break free from her. I turned to see that she was already up but she looked tired. I realised that I was also panting but not so much tired. Knowing that she isn't going to give up easily I took out a pocket knife and hurled it at her.
  Surprisingly she calmly caught it with the handle right next to her face. I started to hear voices from outside. Must be the team she was talking about I thought. I knew she wouldn't let me get away easily but then I noticed a pole just above where she was stood then above that was some kind of terrace. So after standing catching my breathe I started to run towards her. She was caught off guard and pulled out her gun but before she could shoot I jumped up and grabbed the pole then pulled myself up I tot the terrace and made my escape.

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