9~ Rogue

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2 weeks later

Felicity's POV

Everyone found out within the next two weeks of me staying at the headquarters; even the boss. She said she would find a way around this whole situation, but I didn't trust her. She is sneaky and manipulating; I guess that's why she's in the business.
I walked into the main office of the place where everyone greeted me. I just smiled and walked past, I'm still in a mood after the whole incident. I also miss him. I try not to think of Cheol too much or else I will just burst out crying again...

I made my way to the kitchen and made myself a coffee. I needed it since I haven't gotten a good nights sleep in ages. I grabbed my mug and made my way over to some display screens showing the CCTV cameras in the building we're in. From the 1st floor up to the 23rd floor it seems like a normal work building with offices and boring things; from the 24th floor to the 30th floor is our secret agency office, well mainly in he last 3 floors, the other 3 are made to look like normal offices so we aren't so obvious.

I looked at all the people in their business suits walking up and down corridors and standing in the elevators. I looked at the live footage of an elevator emptying all of the people out then on person getting in- he was strange. He was wearing a suit, with a fedora and a golf umbrella. Not the typical kind of working outfit. He somewhat reminded me of someone from Kingsman. As soon as the doors to the elevator closed he took his fedora off and looked straight at the camera for the CCTV.

I spat my coffee out to the side and looked again the man; Seungcheol.

"Hey Felicity, missed me?" He asked flashing his smirk which always got me. I stared at disbelief  at him. He's gonna get killed. People had started to already gather around me and looked at him in shock. I pressed a button on the table in front of me and spoke into the microphone.

"What the hell Seungcheol?! Do you have a death wish?" I whisper shouted into the mic. He just laughed.

"So you do still care about me I see. I came here to see you. What else?" He said still smirking. Before I could reply the elevator came to an abrupt stop and behind me was the boss.

"Well, I see he came to us. Easier than finding him." She said. I turned around to look at her but she walked past me towards the monitor.

"Wait boss, it's not what you think! Please just- just - lets just talk it through with him, you said yourself we could find away around this situation!" I said. I was starting to panic now. He's in danger. I looked back at the monitor to see him still smiling, of course he can't hear anything. I snapped back to reality when I heard my boss starting to speak into the microphone.

"So, Seungcheol Choi, we know now that you are a spy and you have breached our base. We have no choice but to eliminate you." she spoke in a monotone voice staring at the screen with a blank expression. My heart stopped there and then for a few seconds before I finally breathed out.

"Wait! No, you can't please!" I reached out to her trying to grab her hand but was pulled back by other spies before I could do anything. "Let me go!" I yelled, squirming like a little child.

"Don't worry Licy." I looked up to the monitor to see Cheol sporting an even more handsome smile. A few tears escaped my eyes.

"This will be quick and easy." the boss said before pulling out a draw to reveal a a pad of small buttons under it, each labeled with a number.She looked for one before smiling when she had found the button she was looking for. She pressed it. Nothing happened. That is until a loud snapping noise echoed the building and the CCTV cut out. All I heard was the scrapping of metal and the snapping of wood and bricks then an ear splitting crash mixed with metal and other materials. I realized that she had pressed a button to cut out the elevators wiring, sending it crashing down from the 24th floor right down the ground floor.

I collapsed to my knees, the people the held me let go. I felt a numb pain all over my body as my senses dulled and everything around me turned to nothingness. He had fallen to his death. No-one would've survived a fall like that. Hot tears poured out like a broken tap as I bowed my head a cried to myself, holding myself as if I needed protection.

"It was for the best Felicity. He was breaching out headquarters. You must understand that." the boss said as she put back the draw and started to walk away. the crowd of workers around me started to disperse, knowing I needed time. "Also," the boss turned to me. "the are many more fish in the sea, go find another." she turned again and carried on walking.

At that moment I snapped. I saw red as I felt around in my back pocket for the knife Cheol had given me for Christmas; to protect myself. I stood up, just managing to balance, and looked at her. People around me started to gasp some whispering others backing away. The boss turned around to look at what they were doing and I took my chance. I ran forward before jumping on to a desk and grabbing the scaffolding above me and flipping over it to land behind her. Before she could react I plunged the knife into her side earning a scream. She tried to turn and grab at me but I dodged it and pulled the knife out before spinning to face her and kicking her into the stomach then throwing her onto a desk nearby.

People started to charge at me trying to stop me. I opened the door to the boss's office and locked it. It would take a few minute for those idiots to realize that there it a second door to the office. I quickly went over to the power box and ripped out as many cables as I could. The lights, monitors and electric doors all powered off; now I can get my equipment. I run out through the second door of the office and navigated my way around the building like a ninja until I found the weaponry room. I quickly grabbed a bag and stuffed everything I needed and some just in cases before grabbing a hook gun.

I ran out to a window which faced a smaller building; perfect for landing on. I opened the window and aimed the hook gun at the building before pulling the trigger and hitting the building. I tightened the rope and then threaded the gun under the strap of the bag I had and tied it around a a nearby light. I held onto the bag which was now attached to the wire and jumped out the window. It was like a zip wire and I slid down onto the building I had hit. As I landed I got my knife out and cut the wire to get my bad and to make sure the others didn't follow.

I looked back at the building. So many emotions flooded me making my mind feel mixed up. But there was one thing I was sure of. I am never going to be working for a spy company. I guess I'm rogue now...

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