21~ Kidnapping

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Felicity's POV

I stared in disbelief at my boss' face. Her eyes were dark with rage and a smirk was plastered on her lips. I snapped back into reality and took notice of the gun pointing towards me. I quickly shut the door as she shot a bullet which lodged itself into the door. Dad ran out of the living room and stared in fear at me.

"We have to get out of here." I said. He nodded blankly before running off somewhere. I felt the door beginning to move; they're trying to get in. I quickly ran to the kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife I could find and then I heard the door break down. My heart raced as I ran up the stairs. As I reached the upstairs landing I heard gunshots come from the hallway, I looked behind me to see dad holding a gun aiming it at the group of black-dressed spies trying to keep them at bay.

"Felicity go!" he shouted. The guilt of leaving him behind was killing me but my legs moved by themselves towards my room. I started to open the window to get out when I heard a scream from downstairs; dad. I panicked, forgetting what he told me and ran out into the hall way only to be met by two female spies. One threw a punch at me and I swiftly dodged it and kicked them into the abdomen and then elbowed the other in the neck. One grabbed my leg and flipped me back but I landed and forward flipped to kick one of them in the head knocking her unconscious. Suddenly a piercing pain spread through my shoulder blade and I yelped and turned to see my boss who pushed me to fall backwards, which only pushed the blade in the shoulder deeper in. I yelled in pain and protectively put my hand on the bump of my stomach. She noticed my actions. A smirk spread across her face causing her to smile like the Cheshire cat.

"This little girl has gone and gotten herself pregnant, haven't you?" she said laughing. "Don't kill her, we'll have some fun with her and her husband. Tie her up, gag her, drug her and blind fold her." and quicker than I could react I blacked out.

Seuncheol's POV

I drove me and my mum home after doing some grocery shopping. I didn't realize I was smiling to myself until my mum pointed it out.

"You've been so happy since the announcement. I don't think I've ever seen you this happy." she said smiling. I chuckled at her comment. "You really really love her don't you?" 

"Words can't explain what I feel towards her, but its a strong feelings." I replied still smiling. As we parked in the driveway I got out and looked at the house. The door was open. Did Licy see us driving up and open it? But where is she. Without even getting the grocery I ran up the door and looked into the hallway. I blood ran cold sending shivers up my spine and my heart sank; dad was lying there, eyes glazed over, any life taken away from his body and three bullet holes in his chest which stained his shirt and the wooden floor around him.

"Cheollie what's-" she cut into a scream when she saw him. She covered her mouth as tears poured out. She ran to his side and knelt down beside him, not caring about the blood, then placed his head on her lap. "Darling-please... You can't leave... You can't- just-" she stuttered between sobs stroking his head. 

At that moment my mind went onto high alert; Felicity. I shouted out her name and when she didn't respond panic rose up inside. I ran around the house looking for her checking everywhere and anywhere; I didn't find her dead body so a little hope blossomed thinking that she is alive maybe she went out, but who did this?

"Cheol!" my mum yelled. I ran down to her and met the sight of her holding a blood stained, folded piece of paper. "This- this was in his hand." she said handing it to me. I unfolded it and read it:

If you want her back then come and get her, abandoned Light Warehouse, deadline midnight tonight, or else wave good bye to your wife and baby.

They found us. They knew. I scrunched up the paper and threw it, anger took over be and i punched the nearest wall to me causing a slight indent in it. I promised her. I promised I'd keep her and our child safe. It's my fault. Not only this but how I started this whole situation. Maybe if I never visited Licy and caused her to nearly kill her boss then we would have found a way out. The anger dispersed and tears took over. I felt a hand on my shoulder and look down at my mum.

"Tell we what happened." she said holding back tears.4

"Mum it's complic-"

"I don't care!" she yelled tears spilling. "What happened, tell me the whole truth Seungcheol Choi."  she said her loose hand in a fist and her face slightly scrunched up. I sighed before speaking.

"I'm a spy mum." best get to the point straight away. Her face changed slightly showing shock. "So's Felicity. Thing is we didn't know that we were both spies until 4 months ago. This meant we would have had to kill each other but instead we ran away with her company on our tails. I thought if I came here I would keep us safe, they wouldn't have known we would be here." I broke down into tears. Mum came up to me and hugged me tightly ad I hugged her back. "I'm sorry mum, I- I- I didn't want this to happen, I never knew-" I mumbled.

"Calm child. I know you didn't want to. I know. The future is always unexpected." she said, sounding more calm than she was a few seconds ago. "But tell me one more thing. Where's Felicity?" she asked

"They took her." I sulked

"Well go out and safe her." I pulled back and looked at her.

"Shouldn't we call the-"

"He's dead. He's already gone and there's nothing to do about it, however, you can still save the love of your life." she said she kissed me on the cheek, again tears staining her face."I'll call the police now but you go out and find her." she said trying to smile.

"I'll make sure they'll pay mum, they won't forget this." I said giving her a quick hug before having one last glance at my dad. Rest In Peace dad, I said in my mind before running out of the house. As I ran to the car I heard my mum breaking down crying again and winced. I wish I could turn back and embrace her again but she said it herself; I need to save Felicity.

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