12~ Jerk

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Seungcheol's POV

I walked into the restaurant a bit late and saw that Felicity was already there. I smiled kneeing she would come, she's too predictable sometimes. I told the waiter I have a date at table 11 (our table) and told him I would escort myself there.  I strolled over to her, taking off my fedora hat as I approached. I noticed she had finished a bottle of wine. Wow, I've never seen her drink so much, I thought until I realized she thinks I'm dead.

"Don't you think you've drunk a bit too much there Licy?" I asked. She stayed still and didn't flinch. I wasn't sure if she hadn't heard me or if she was just purely drunk.  I walked around the table to sit down at the chair opposite her. She looked up and the look on her face was priceless. "I mean this is a bottle for two, you should've at least waited for your husband right?

"Cheol?" she asked, confusion written all over her face. I chuckled as I started to take off my jacket and hung it around the back of my chair. "You're... How...Are you real?" she asked again reaching over the table to touch my face.

"Last time I checked I escaped a falling elevator keeping me alive, so, yes. I am real." I answered whilst rolling up the sleeves of my shirt. I had spent all day in the suit and I was sweating like a pig. I looked into her eyes as she tried to sort this situation out in her head, and I realized she had been crying... a lot. Her eyes were red and puffy, but, her eyes still shone through, bright as ever. 

Suddenly she started to tear up and she burst out crying. She stretched over the table and hugged me.

"You're alive! You're not dead! I love you so much!" she exclaimed. I went a light pink from embarrassment as people in the restaurant had started to look at us.

"Felicity, not here. We are in public and your drunk." I said but she still held on tight. I sighed and realized I had to get us out of the restaurant. I managed to untangle her arms around me and get her to stand. I left money on the table for the wine and quickly escorted her to the exit. I walked us to a place in an alleyway she propped her up against a wall as to steady her. On the whole way there she was asking me about how I was alive and if it was a dream.

I let go of her and looked to find she had stopped crying but now had an angry look on her face. Without warning she swung at me with her fist but I dodged it but then didn't have time to react to defend the kick she gave me to the stomach causing me to stumble back into the wall. She then walked up to me and grabbed me by the collar and looked me dead in the eye.

"Don't ever go killing yourself again! Also, why didn't you ever tell me you were a spy?!" she yelled "And also-" I cut her off with a kiss to the lips and she immediately kissed me back. In that moment I realized how much I had really missed her. Her laugh, her voice, her in general. Slowly, she let go of my collar and instead wrapped her arms around my neck as I wrapped mine around her waist. It seemed like we had stood there for eternity, but it was a moment I want to last forever.

She finally pulled away and put her  head on my chest and started to cry. A this point I was debating whether she was really drunk or if she had started her period. Either way I hugged tightly and stroked the back of her head and she sobbed into my chest

"Listen, I'm sorry I worried you like that, but I had to see you since you were too stubborn to come back home. And I'm still here, right? Everything's gonna be okay, I promise." I said softly. "Also, I didn't tell you I was a spy since you could've been in danger; I guess it doesn't matter anymore since we're both on the killing list right?" she lifted her head, tears still evident in her eyes.

"I'm still angry at you." she said coldly. I was kind of taken a back. "I hate you. Jerk" she said pushing  her self away. I grabbed her by the shoulder and spun her back round.

"Okay I'm guessing you have pent up anger in you right now, so, tonight at midnight we will have a fight off at our house. Any weapon can be used there are no rules." I said. She stared blankly at me before somehow managing to stumble and fall onto me. "But first you will sleep off the wine." I picked her up in a bridal style and managed to find where she had parked her car. I found the keys in her purse and opened the passenger door placing her carefully in the seat before taking mine.

As we drove home she placed her hand on my thigh.

"Even though I hate you now, I've always loved you and will still love you Cheol." she said whist looking out the window. I smiled and replied.

"I love you too Licy." I looked over to her but found that she had just passed out. I laughed as I carried on driving.

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