17~ Family

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Felicity's POV

I fell asleep on the journey and woke up when I felt my shoulder being shook.

"Licy. Honey wake up we're here." he said softly, a bit of huskiness to his voice. I lifted my head and took in my surroundings. My eyes landed on the house. It was quite big with two floors and painted a candy mint colour with white beams. I looked around to see that there were no other houses, just a forest and wildlife. It was like it was out of a movie, so serene and tranquil. 

Seungcheol got out the car and then walked around to help me out. We started to make out way to the front door.

"So, what are you gonna say?" I asked looking up at him. He still looked straight ahead at the door a serious look on his face.

"I think I might just go with the hurricane story." he said a smile forming on his face. I was still worried though. Not about his parents, but the baby, as well as the fact we were being hunted down. We made our way up the steps to the wooden patio and stopped at the door. Cheol took a deep breath in, took hold of my hand and pressed the doorbell. We waited a few seconds and the door opened to reveal quite a short woman with black hair which was slowly turning a deep grey. Her face still looked young, as if she was still in her 30's; I guess that's where Cheol gets his young looks from. She was wearing a long purple dress going down to her ankles and a hair of fluffy slippers, she looked like she was about to got to sleep, then I realised we had arrived late at around 10pm. The woman looked confused for a second, but then her eyes widened as her sight fell on Seungcheol and glee spread across her face.

"Seungcheol! You're back! Is that you?" she said as she rushed forward hugging him. Without letting go of my hand he hugged her back with one hand. Tears were making their way down his face as well as hers.

"Yeha mum its me. I'm here." he said, his voice slightly cracking. She pulled back from the hug and took hold of his face in her hands rubbing her thumbs over his cheeks. She suddenly looked over to me and smiled even brighter.

"And you're Felicity, aren't you?" she asked. I nodded with a smile whilst pulling down the shirt i was wearing, trying to make myself just a bit more decent. "You're even more beautiful in real life." she said. She kept one hand on Seungcheol's face and the other arm reached out to bring us all into a big hug. I look past her to see an elderly looking man making his way down towards us.

"Darling who's-" he cut himself off when he caught sight of Cheol. "Son." he said smiling then making his way over to him. We all pulled back from the hug and Cheol hugged him, still holding my hand tightly.

"Sweetie look, this is Felicity. Cheollies wife. Isn't she beautiful?" Cheol's mum said. Cheollie? that's a cute nickname I thought. Cheol's dad pulled back and looked at me up and down.

"Just as pretty as that photo Cheol sent us." he said smiling. Cheol looked at me and smiled widely, signs of tears brimming in his eyes. "What happened to you?" his dad asked. Seungcheol explained the whole hurricane story and how we had gotten out of town in time and with everything we owned ruined Seungcheol has thought about coming here since we don't have anywhere else. Whilst he was explaining he would look at me and I would nod agreeing to our fake story.

"Oh hats horrible!" his mum said covering her mouth with a hand. "You two have been through so much. Come in, come in! You'll freeze like that! I'll go find some of your old clothing Cheollie." she said before running off into the house.

"Also make sure his room is clean!" his dad called down to her before leading us into the house. The warmth of it hit me like a wall making me realise how cold I had been and attempt to suppress a shiver. Seungcheol let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulder bringing me closer to him. His dad led us into the living room where they had a fire place. It was quite small but cosy. We sat down on a couch facing the fireplace which had a TV just to the side of it. I sat there awkwardly as Seungcheol, with his arm now at my waist, was catching up with his dad until his mum walked in with towels and fresh clothing.

"Sorry dear, you're going to have to use Seungcheols old clothing, also go take a shower to get refreshed." she said handing me a towel and a plain black over sized t-shirt with khaki jeans. She smiled warmly at me as I thanked her, untangled Seungcheol from my waist and followed her directions to the bathroom. The houses rooms were kind of small but there were many of them. Three bathrooms, four bedrooms, a big kitchen, a living room, a dining room and other extension Cheol's parents had added.

I took a hot shower, the warm water soothed my aching joints and made the coldness disappear. I got out, dried off and slipped on Seungcheol's clothing which was way too big for me; the top reached my mid thigh and the jeans, which actually fitted my legs well, were too long and completely covered my feet so I had to roll up them up to my ankles. I felt weird not wearing a bra but I will admit it was very comfortable. I found my way to our room and walked in closing the door. It seemed normal, it had a double bed with navy sheets and a chest of drawers on each side. There was a window opposite the door with a desk under it and to the right there was a door which I guessed led to an on suite as I heard a shower going from the other side.

I sat on the bed and rested my head in my hands. The anxiety of the situation got the better of me and I was starting to get a bad headache, as well as nausea. I rubbed my temples a bit before snapping my head up to the sound of the bathroom door opening. Cheol stepped out with only boxers on and smiled when he saw me, I smiled back.

"You okay." he asked walking over to the bed and started to dress himself.

"Yeah." I said flatly. He looked over at me with a bit of concern on his face then moved over to me and sat down before engulfing he in a hug and stroking the back of my head.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Just anxiety getting the better of me I guess." I replied.

"You shouldn't worry. We're in a place where they won't even think, let alone know about, plus I'm planning our great escape."

"Didn't we have a great escape from the house?"

"Okay, great escape 2.0." he chuckled and I giggled lightly. He pulled back and looked into my eyes. I stared back into his dark eyes, remembering the day I fell in love with them. He leaned in kissing me softly and I responded by kissing back, deepening the kiss. Things got a bit heated as he leaned me back onto the bed so that he was hovering over me, also taking the chance to invade my mouth with his tongue causing me to let out a soft moan.

Suddenly a knock came from the door and we both jumped and pulled away; way to ruin a great moment. Seungcheol's mum called from the other side of the door saying for us to come down for dinner. We both sighed before he pecked me on the cheek and getting off me to go downstairs. I must've gotten up too quickly because as soon as I did I felt nauseous but held it down before continuing my way to the dining room.

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