2~ Love at First Sight Pt2

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Seungcheol 's POV

I punched one last guy in the face, knocking him out, before taking a moment to breathe. Fighting off wanted criminals single handedly isn't easy.  I straightened up, took a look around me and smirked at the good job I did. 10 wanted criminals out cold laying on the floor and I knocked them all out. All in the life of a spy.

I hear the sound of sirens and see it as my signal to get out of the building. I see a nearby window and run over to it. It leads to a dense patch of woodland then to the hotel I'm staying at.

I step onto the window sill and at that moment I hear policemen breaking into the building. I get a gun and fire it up at the closest tree. A hook is shot and it grabs onto the tree. I jumped and swung into the dense woodland. I land and start running to the hotel hoping to get in before police spot me.

As soon as I'm out in the open and near the hotel straighten my clothing and casually walk to the hotel. I greet a few people as I walk in.
As I make it to the entrance I spot someone. A woman. And a beautiful one too.
The sunlight  highlighted every point on her face. Making her seem like an angel. I readied my self to go up and talk to her when I spot a guard suddenly grab onto her.

I couldn't hear them but I could see she seemed annoyed. A few other men walked up to her and she seemed almost distraught now.

"Excuse me men." I said as I walked up to them. They all looked at me. "She is a guest of mine so if you don't mind." I grabbed her arm and tugged her away from the men. The guard let go immediately and apologised whilst the other guys looked at me with death looks.

I dragged her into the closest room and closed the door. She presses her ear against the door listening for whether they had gone yet. I walk further into the room and take a seat on the couch. I looked at her, admiring her features again. Her green blue eyes, dirty blonde hair in waves and her fair skin. She was stunning.

"Felicity Jane." She said as she pulled away from the door and turned to me.

"Seungcheol Choi" I replied and held my hand out. She took it and we shook. " May I ask you, Miss Jane, what were those guys doing?" I asked as I stood up and got some wine out then poured two cups.

"I don't know. I guess they couldn't help but admire me." She gave me a smirk and I chuckled.

"I can't blame them." I replied.

We talked and got to know each other. We went to a local bar a chatted, got a bit drunk and danced together and as it got to night time I convinced her to stay with me. I never told her I was a spy, I don't want her to know I case she is out in danger. Many things happened that night and that is when our beautiful relationship began.

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