14~ Surprise

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Felicity's POV

I woke up to a ray of sunlight peeking in through the blackout curtains of our shared room. I stretched out and turned over only to be met by two muscular arms wrapping around my waist pulling me into his chest; him being Cheol. I automatically snakes my arms around his neck and nuzzles my face into his chest, I was close enough to hear his calming heartbeat.

"Morning gorgeous." He said in his husky (yet sexy) morning voice followed by a kiss on my forehead.

"Morning to you too handsome" I said in a less appealing voice, more like the voice of an old witch with tonsillitis. I whined when I suddenly felt his warmth be taken away as he got up from the bed. I wrap myself up in the blanket feeling the cold hit me and tried to fall back asleep. I was on the verge of falling asleep again until I felt a fabric hit me in the face. I open up my eyes to see that Seungcheol had thrown me one of his shirts (which was way too big on me) to wear. He was wearing only in his boxers, showing off his perfect muscular body.

I got up and realised that I was completely naked. I quickly put on the shirt and glanced around the room to find the clothes we both had on yesterday all over the floor; bra, pants and all. I heard Seungcheol's chuckle and looked at him.

"Last night was a wild night"  he said whilst throwing on a t-shirt and putting on some pyjama pants. I laughed too remembering how we had gotten into a fight then things got heated in the bedroom.

Seungcheol made his way down to the kitchen to start on breakfast whilst I decided to clean up a bit. After cleaning up a bit I joined him downstairs in the kitchen. I walked up to him whilst his back was facing me and have him a back huh whilst standing on my tip toes.

"Smells good." I said. Cheol twisted his head and gave me a kiss on the cheek before continuing on making breakfast. I left him to it and took a look around the house ; it was a mess.

Furniture in the hallways and living room were broken along with the some of the walls damaged. I laughed to myself that we did this. Suddenly I felt dizzy and my stomach churned. I felt like I was going to throw up so I ran to the bathroom. After doing what I had to do I washed out my mouth and face and looked at myself in the mirror. I'm not dumb and had an idea of why I was like this but best not to jump to conclusions. I made my way back to the kitchen and found the table had been set in the dining room. We were gonna have some French toast and sausages.

"Looks delicious!" I exclaimed before sitting down and digging in. Seungcheol smiled and started to eat the food too. Just as we were finishing up I felt the churning sensation again but held it in this time, not wanting to worry Cheol. When we had finished we put our plates in the sink and started to wash up. I was interrupted by Cheol wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzling into the crook of my neck.

"They're gonna come looking for you and me ya know." He whispered. I nodded, knowing the consequence of me marrying a spy and attempting to assassinate my ex boss. "Don't worry, we'll get through this. I promise." He said before joining me in cleaning up. After everything was clean we both collapsed onto the couch and and sighed. I leaned into him and he hugged me close to him.

"So," I turned to look at him. " How do you plan to get us out of this situation." I asked smiling at him. He looked at me and scratched the back of his head.

"Truthfully, I don't know, but I've always been a man of improvisation." He said with a smirk and I hit him in the chest as he carried on laughing. All of a sudden the churning sensation came back and this time I couldn't hold it in so I had to leave Cheol and run to the bathroom.

Seungcheol's POV

Out of no-where Felicity got up and ran to the bathroom. I sat there for a few seconds confused before snapping out of my daze and running after her. She had locked herself in the bathroom and she was starting to worry me.

"Licy?" I knocked on the door. "Hey, what's wrong?" The only reply I got was the sound of her throwing up. Maybe there was something wrong with the breakfast? Before I could ask her again I heard a noise from outside. I walked up to the window only to be met but the sight of huge black trucks; I guess Licy's ex company decided to visit. At that moment the bathroom door opened to reveal her and and I turned to her and put my finger against my lips, signalling for her to be quiet. She looked confused but obeyed. I looked out of the window again to see guns being pulled out . Shit.

"Felicity we gotta run." I said before running towards her and grabbing her arm then dragging her downstairs and into the garage. I grabbed a few guns and pushed Felicity into my car.

"Seungcheol what the-" she started tom but I cut her off by covering her mouth with my hand and shushing her. "What the hell?!" She mumbled into my hand .

"Your company has come for us and now we need to escape. End of story." I explained quickly before handing her a gun. "Now we are going to drive out and when they start shooting you shoot, okay?" She looked at me with a confused face but nodded.

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