13~ Grande Fight

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Felicity's POV

I woke up in Seungcheol and I's bed. I don't remember getting here.... Oh yeah I got drunk and blacked out and-

I sat up straight as I remembered what I could; Seungcheol's alive. I jumped out of bed (still in my dress) and ran bare footed across the hallway and down the stairs but I stopped at a landing in the stairs. The house was too quiet.

"Seungcheol?" I called out. I heard some fidgeting then some clicking. Suddenly gun shots were fired and I ducked for safety. When the noise had stopped I peeked over the banister to find Seungcheol standing in the doorway to the living room holding a barrel gun.

"Seungcheol! What the hell?!" I yelled.

"Don't you remember Licy? I said we were gonna have a fight at midnight to get our anger out." He said with a smirk then he threw a knife which hit the wall beside me. Then chucked the gun he was holding at me whilst pulling another gun from his waist. "Shall we?" He said. I growled and he disappeared into the room.

I quickly grabbed the knife he had thrown and and the gun and ran to the wall near the doorway where he was standing. This was game on. I aimed the gun and waited patiently for any noise.

Third Person POV

A shadow caught Felicity's eye and she fired bullet into the wall of the living room behind the couch. Seungcheol narrowly missed them.

He was caught off guard, thinking he was silent. Seungcheol loaded his gun and moved to the kitchen doorway which would face where Felicity was supposedly hiding. When he got there he spun and aimed his gun at the wall where she was supposed to be; she had disappeared. He didn't let his guard down this time and had a glanced around the area before moving in. Hearing a footstep behind him he spun around just in time to block a kick Felicity was doing. He pushed her leg away from himself causing her to fall backwards but she flipped and landed back on her feet. He spun around and narrowly dodged two knives she had thrown before running into the kitchen. He followed after her but she had sneakily hidden behind the wall and ripped the gun out of his hands whilst he had lowered his guard before throwing it away somewhere. He looked at her with confusion across his face and she smiled before going into a fighting position.

"Let's have a combat battle, no weapons." she said before charging at him with a kick to the ankles knocking him down to the floor. Felicity straddled him and pinned him to the ground trying to throw a punch at him. Seungcheol effortlessly stopped her fist then twisted it to her back and swapping places with her so that he had her pinned to the ground. Felicity grunted and tried to get out of his grip but he was too strong.

"I'm not hurting you am I sweetie?" Seuncheol asked as he still kept her arm behind her back. Felicity growled and kicked her leg back to hit him in the abdomen causing him to loosen his grip on her enough for Felicity to spin around hit him in the chest sending him flying backwards and hitting a table. Felicity got up quickly and just as Seuncheol was getting up she jumped on his back and used her elbow to elbow his pressure point; nothing happened.

"Nice try Licy, but I have no pressure points." he said as he grabbed her arm and flipped her over his shoulder but she landed on her feet and pulled his arm hard enough to pull him into the wall next to her before running off into the living room. Seungcheol took a few seconds to recover from the hit before stumbling after her. As he entered the room he stopped and looked around. She had disappeared again.  He was about to shout out to her before he saw a shadow coming up behind him so he spun and grabbed Felicity's arm which was holding a vase and spun her so her back was facing a wall and pushed her harshly into it causing her to let go of the vase and let it shatter on the ground.

Felicity was about to protest but was stopped by a kiss from Seungcheol. He still had a grip on her wrist and had put his other hand on the wall beside her to keep him balanced as he leaned in. Felicity had relaxed and fell pray to him as she kissed back more passionately whilst wrapping her free hand around his neck to deepen the kiss. They stood there for what seemed like ages before pulling away. Seungcheol rested his forehead against hers and looked her in the yes.

"I love you so much. Spy or not." he whispered.

"I love you too." Felicity replied before kissing him again this time freeing her trapped wrist to wrap it around his neck whilst he snaked his arms around her waist bringing her away from the wall. He picked her up in a bridal style and broke the kiss as he carried her up to the bedroom, avoiding furniture which had been broken in the process of their fight. Once in the bedroom he gently laid her on the bed whilst he was on top and started to do butterfly kissed from her neck to her lips and then kissed her passionately.

"Round one started now." Felicity said as she pulled away and smirked.

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