15 ~ Attack on the Chois

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Seungcheol's POV

I opened the garage door. Luckily, the place where the trucks were was further away so they couldn't see us nor hear us. That is until I speed drove my way out of here.

"Wait." Felicity said. I turned to Felicity as looked at her. Worry was spread across her face. I leaned over to her and have her s kiss on the lips then put our foreheads together.

"It's gonna be alright, trust me." I said before returning back to the wheel.

"Wait I need to-" she started saying but I had already pushed down the acceleration pedal and we were off. We took the people by surprise and they didn't have time to shoot at us as we drove out the drive way and down the road, but, they were soon on our tail. When they were close enough they started shooting out the windows of the car sending glass shards everywhere.

"Felicity, shoot now!" I yelled over the wind coming in through the windows.

"I can't! You keep moving he goddamn car!" She yelled back.

"Cause I kinda need to dodge the other cars on the motorway Licy!"

"Fine, you shoot I drive!" She yelled back and started to climb over to my side. I also made my way over to the passenger side and grabbed the gun Felicity had and aimed out of the window.

Felicity's POV

I panicked a bit as I took the wheel of the car. A few minutes ago I was having a peaceful breakfast with Cheol but now.... Now I'm driving a car down a motor way at law breaking speeds whilst my husband tried to shoot my ex company who want us dead. Oh how times change.

I snapped out of my ranting thoughts when Seungcheol shouted my name.

"Felicity take the next exit." I obeyed what he said and took the next exit. "Listen, when you see a small countryside looking road take that, we should lose them there." He said still aiming and shooting at the trucks beside us, blowing out their wheels. I looked out for some kind of road then spotted one which was a dirt road flanked by fields and took the turn. We lost a few trucks but three were still following us in a train formation behind us.

"Right, what now?" I asked. Seungcheol told me to keep driving forward.

"You wanna know the truth or what makes you feel good?" He asked whilst shooting out the tyres of the front car behind us.

"Truth, I think we have had enough lying between us so far."

"I don't know." He said still concentrating on shooting out tyres.

"What?! Come on you're the guy who likes to improvise!" I yelled at him still keeping my eyes on the road. Suddenly I spotted a railway track with a train coming up to the road for cars on the tracks. Perfect.

"Cheol get in!" I yelled. The windows in the car were all shattered and the wind made a loud whistling noise making it hard to hear.


"Just get you ass inside the car fully!" I yelled and he obeyed. I gased the pedal and drove at full speed toward the tracks.

"Licy, what are you doing?" He asked

"Spy stuff" I replied. The train was super close and I wasn't sure if we could actually get through but it was either that or get shot in the gut.

"Licy?" Seungcheol said in a worried tone. "Do you have some kind of death wish or is this still from me nearly killing you yesterday?" He asked.

"A bit of both of those and the thrill" I said as we crossed he tracks in time for the train to whizz past us, blocking the other cars path. I mentally celebrated before slowing down and taking a side road which led deep into the woods and stopped. And I switched off the engine I turned and punched Seungcheol in the chest catching him by surprise.

"Jeez, what was that for?" He said rubbing the area where I had punched him.

"Some kind of Mr.Improvise you are, we could've gotten killed!" I yelled

"Well at least I didn't cross a railway nearly killing us." He mumbled.

"Well at least that saved us and now we're alive" I said before leaning back into my chair and sighing before dropping my hand next to me. I yelped and looked at my hand to see I had dropped it into a pile of window glass "my day couldn't get any better could it..." I mumbled under by breath as blood oozed from a deep cut right under my middle and pinky finger. Suddenly I felt my hand being grabbed and wrapped and looked up to Seungcheol who had taken his top off to wrap around my injury.

"You just wanted to show off your abs" I scoffed.

"But I know you like them." He smirked before tying a knot in the top to secure it then leaning in to hug me. Finally reality had struck me and tears formed in my eyes; our house was gone, we are being hunted and worst of all we are sitting have naked in a car in the middle of the first not knowing what to do. Tears started to roll down as I sobbed. I haven't cried in a long time so all my emotions went into this cry.

Seungcheol started to rub my back before he mumbled into my ear.

"Don't worry, we'll be okay I promise. I'll make sure that we make it out. And we will have all of our dreams." He said. I continued to sob into his chest. "I have a plan. Remember when I told you my parents were dead?" I nodded "Well... they aren't."

"Great what other lies have you kept from me" I said between sobs.

"Don't judge me hypocrite. Anyways, we can go there and hide there whilst we work out a plan." He said.

"And how exactly are we gonna get there?" I asked skeptical about his whole plan.

"Well we have a car which seems to be working well."

"And how are we gonna find our way to your parents with no GPS, in the middle of a forest?" I questioned him. He went silent for a moment then spoke up.

"Well.... that we can figure out along the way...."

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