K + B

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"Remind me why we volunteered to pack up for the whole class." Kurt sighed as he placed a few dictionaries in a box.

"Because it'll give us more points from Mr. Marton." Rachel smiled.

"I don't really care about getting more points." Mercedes shook her head as she put a handful of pencils in a draw.

"So, how was it working with Blaine?" Rachel smirked at Kurt when he glared at her.

"It was absolute torture. He didn't speak at all. He just sat there carving something into the table and I think he was crying..." Kurt trailed off.

"Hold up, Blaine Anderson didn't say anything? Like, nothing?"

"No. Well apart from when I introduced myself, but even then all he said was 'Blaine'." Kurt shrugged.

"But he won't shut up whenever I talk to him. He's constantly got something bad to say about everyone." Mercedes shook her head.

"And you said he was crying?" Rachel tilted her head.

"Yea, it was weird. After I introduced myself he kept carving into the table but he was making crying sounds and I think I saw a tear drop on the table."

"Hmm. Did you see what he carved in the table?" Rachel moved over to the desk that the badboy was sat at.

"What's it say?" Mercedes walked round to the other side of the desk.

"K add B." Kurt said from across the classroom, "Yes, I've looked."

"Ooh! I think someone's got a little crush on Kurt." Mercedes grinned.

"What?" Kurt choked.

"Yea K, Kurt. B, Blaine. And then a heart around it."

"Yea, and that would explain why he wasn't talking to you. Maybe he was shy." Rachel smiled.

"I doubt that's the reason but even if it was, why would he be crying?" Kurt shook his head.

"Oh my god!" Mercedes covered her mouth.

"What?" Rachel and Kurt said in unison.

"What if he knew you before the, uh, the accident." Mercedes shot a sorry glance in Kurt's direction.

"Do you think? Would Kurt really get involved enough to make him this upset about Kurt not remembering?" Rachel frowned.

"I don't know about you but I would definitely be upset if someone forgot me, even if I didn't know them that well." Kurt pursed his lips.

"Yea, but he's Blaine Anderson." Mercedes sighed picking up a rubber from the floor.

"He's still human." Kurt rolled his eyes.

Rachel and Mercedes turned to Kurt with confused looks.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Did you just protect Blaine?" Rachel frowned.

"I'm sorry but... What?" Kurt shut his eyes.

"Kurt, are you okay? What's wrong?" Mercedes stared at the tears rolling down Kurt's cheeks.

"I-I don't know. I,uh," Kurt tried to swallow a sob, "I gotta go."

"What was that about?" Mercedes frowned in worry.

"I'm not too sure." Rachel sighed, still looking at the door which Kurt ran out of.

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