1. Welcome To Gravity Falls

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Sapphire's POV

Today is the big day I become close friends with the Pines family and get my hands on that rift. But first, 'Fez' needs to open up the shack. Today he's having one of his "lazy" days where he opens the shack late.

As I waited patiently for him to open it, I started to mess around with my powers by creating a flame into my palms, then casting it into an empty area.

A few minutes has passed, and my dad finally spoke up. "Ole' Fezzy just opened up the shack." His gaze was fixed on the orb that allows him to see all, whilst pushing back his golden bangs back. "Excellent," I replied, releasing a smirk.

"Now remember Sapphire, bond with Pine Tree the most. Once you two become friends, he just might trust you enough to tell you about the rift. And that's exactly what we want to happen." Dad said with a devilish smile, and I nodded in response.

"Now go and don't disappoint us, Sapphire. We're all counting on you." Dad said. "I'll try my best. Bye everyone!" I said, waving goodbye to my dad and my friends Pyronica, 8-Ball, Teeth, Kryptos, Keyhole, etc.

I lifted my hand up using all my strength to create a portal. I closed my eyes and concentrated, then I felt a tingly sensation in my palms. I opened up my eyes, and the portal began to form. It was spinning rapidly in a circular motion, decorated with a pretty pattern of the Galaxy.

"Bring me to Gravity Falls, Oregon." I spoke out slow and clear to active the teleportation location. The portal began to glow a bright shade of baby blue, meaning that I was ready to take off. With slight hesitation, I walked through it. My dad and his friends stood silent as they watched from behind.

For my first time traveling through a portal, it felt rather strange as if time froze whilst I was traveling at a supersonic acceleration. By the time I opened my eyes, I was right next to the "Welcome To Gravity Falls!" Sign. I felt a little joy of excitement to see that my powers paid off.

I stood in awe as I admired the beautiful scenery and took a deep breath. 'Ah, so this is earth..' I thought to myself.

I started to wonder around town, trying to find the Mystery Shack. My legs were wobbling all over the place since I usually fly and not walk. People on the streets gave me weird looks to see me walking as if I was a drunken newborn deer. But I didn't let that bother me, my mind was focused on only fulfilling my mission.

In the process of me trying to adjust my legs to walking, I accidentally bumped into someone and we both fell in opposite directions, his book flying out of his hand. "Oops, sorry." I said glimpsing their face only to realize  it was Pine Tree himself I've bump into. What a coincidence.

"Haha, it's fine." He casually laughed it off. Before he stood up, he went to grab his journal that I accidentally knocked out of his hand. But I happened to have the same idea to pick up the book for him, leading me to accidentally brush my hand against his.

"Oh, sorry," I said, quickly pulling back my hand, pressing it close against my body. Two apologies within a minute of meeting someone, smooth Sapphire, just smooth.

He didn't say a word as he grabbed his journal and put it into his fluffy navy blue vest, a slight blush running across his face. He stood up, wiping any remaining dirt off of himself.

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