28. Barrier

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I announced to the nightmare realm creatures that I will no longer be their princess. I passed down the leadership to Pyronica, who I felt like was a strong and trustworthy leader.

Now that was taken care of, I could finally live a destiny with Dipper that I longed for. I tried to simply open up the portal and teleport myself to Piedmont, California, but there was something that forbid me from entering it. I didn't know what was going on, but I didn't have the patience to figure it out. I wanted to be with Dipper right now.

I decided to screw the portal and try to get there some other way. I flew hastily to the borders of Gravity Falls, and that's when out of  no where a force launched me backwards.

I closed my eyes for a mid second as my head got a dizzy sensation from unexpectedly being forced backwards. I almost crashed into a remaining building, thankfully getting control of my body before I crashed into it.

"What the hell?" I mused, rubbing my head as the fluids inside my head settled, recovering my equilibrium.

I slowly approached the border again where the invisible force forbid me from leaving, and I placed both of my hands on it, pushing with a great force. It rippled like a half sphere river around the confinements of this town.

"H-how is this possible?!" I exclaimed, peering dumbfoundedly at the other side of the invisible, imprisoning barrier.

Stress reached my mind and physical state, for I was sick of things holding me back. No matter what it was, there was always some barrier I would have to conquer before I could reach my goals and state of happiness. And in this case, it was a literal, physical barrier.

It was straight out peculiar, and if anyone would know how to help, it would be the peculiarity himself─ the six fingered man.

I humbly lead myself to the shack that I left untouched, swallowing my pride as I, the all-powerful daughter of Bill Cipher, was about to ask a mortal for his knowledge.

I landed by the front porch, pondering at the brown, oak textured door before clenching my fist and emitting a knock on the door.

I heard shuffling and footsteps echo from inside, as if they were taking cover. There was no answer, so I had to do the next big thing─ break in.

I ignited a flame in my palms, casting it at the door. It harshly broke off the hinge and descended on the floor, leaving an opening.

I gradually walked in the unwelcoming shack, hearing my boots hit the squeaky boards per each step. I looked around the rather dark and gloomy room, leaving the impression of a haunted house.

"Hello?" My voice echoed.

I paused in movement when I heard some extra steps coming from behind me. I turned around and there he was─ pointing that electrical gun he used on me back when I went on a date with Dipper. It's unfortunate to see that we've fallen into the same situation we were once in.

"W-why are you here?" He stuttered, his large, six fingered hands quivering.

I put my hands up in a surrendering way, taking a large step backwards. "I need your help." I said, staring dead straight at the gun rather than at him.

He furrowed his brows, but still remained stiff in movement. "And why do you think I'd want to help you after you completely destroyed society?" He spat.

"Please, Stanford, listen. I know I've made a terrible mistake ever thinking I could be like my father. I thought it would make me happy, but I was dead wrong."

"I tried to pretend to be something I wasn't and in return, I felt completely empty. Committing acts of vandalism, I didn't find much pleasure in it as my father would've and never will. The only thing that can truly satisfy me is a relationship with Dipper."

"I gave up my royal rank and possessions for the sake of leaving this place to be with him, but there's one hitch─ something is forbidding me from leaving this town."

My whole eyes illuminated to a shade of baby blue, casting a hologram of what so happens to be the half sphere barrier protecting the small town. The hologram demonstrated me struggling pushing against the barrier, but failing miserably to escape it. "More specifically, the magical confines of this town." I continued.

Ford's face was illuminated by the bright baby blue casted from the hologram, raising his eyebrows and pupils dilating in mere interest. His position relaxed and loosened up a bit, resting his gunned hand on the side of his hip.

"Fascinating.. Gravity Falls natural law of weirdness magnetism! I studied this years ago." He rested his hand on his chin.

"And did you find a way to undo it?" I inquired  him.

"Yes, yes. There's a simple equation that can collapse the barrier, but I'm not going to tell you. You lost my trust along time ago." He resented, crossing his arms bitterly.

"Please, Stanford, I'll do anything.." I begged with a shaky voice, ever so humbly getting on my knees before him. I grabbed his warm and somewhat sweaty six fingered hand and wrapped both of mine around his, as if I were proposing to him.

A slight pink tent ran across his face by my gesture, his lips departing from each other. He looked down at me in utter shock to see someone like me swallowing my ego and beg for his mercy. He left the atmosphere silent for a brief moment, gathering all his thoughts together before sighing and concluding, "Fine."

"But under one─ no, two costs." He said, emphasizing the word 'two.'

I looked into his dark brown orbs, my heart fluttering from happiness and great relief. "Y-yes, anything." I slightly smiled, gawking at him with anxious eyes.

"Firstly, you clean up this mess you made out of this town." He said sternly, pointing his finger at me. "Second..."

"Surrender me your powers."

(A/N): Ayyyyyy guys! Just wanted to drop a little note that this story is going to reach it's conclusion within a few more chapters. Afterwards, I'm going to start writing a new Bill Cipher x Reader if anyone will be interested in that. It'll actually be from the reader's (your) perspective rather than my own OC. Plus, I'll dedicate more time so it's actually not cringe. So applause for that! ;)

Let me know if you actually are interested in reading it tho. It'll help promote motivation to get my procrastinating butt actually working LOL. Until next chappy, LOVE YU GUYS <333

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