20. What Has To Be Done

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Dippers POV

After Sterling paid me a visit last night, I couldn't get his words out of my head, "Break up with Sapphire or else I'll take away her memories for good."

How could I make such a choice? I don't want to give my girl away to such a psycho like him, I love her and she deserves better than that! But I can't just let him take away her memory... Ugh!

As I became more overwhelmed by analyzing and thinking deeper and deeper about my options, I realized that I could only choose one...

"I have to breakup with her tomorrow," I thought to myself as I gulped, depressed about my final choice.

Sapphires POV

I woke up next morning, gradually opening my eyes. I yawned as I pushed myself up into a sitting position, sat there for a few seconds to gain my conscious, then got out my bed.

I glanced at Dipper's empty bed, all of a sudden remembering the events of last night when he said he was having a bad dream. I began to have the urge to check on him and make sure he's feeling okay.

I dashed out of the room, rushed down the stairs without a care about tripping, and went into the kitchen where Dipper would normally be at around this time. But I was surprised once I entered the kitchen, he wasn't here. It was just Mabel with all of her crafts spreaded all over the table, ready for another one of her daily sweaters.

"Good morning, Sapphire!" Mabel chirped as she looked up at me with a huge grin in her face. She seems like she's in a good mood this morning.

"Good morning," I forced a small smile back at her. "Where is Dipper? I asked her.

"Oh he left early this morning to go for a stroll. He said he wanted to be alone for awhile. I tried to ask him what was going on, but he didn't want to tell me," Mabel answered, sounding concerned.

"Wow, really?" I asked. I wonder if this is relevant to what happened last night.

"Yeah. I figured I should just leave him alone. He's probably having one of his puberty mood swings, you know?" Mabel said as she continued to put glitter on her new sweater that was lying on the table.

"Right.." I responded unsurely. "Did he say when he'll be back?" I immediately asked her another question.

"No. But based on past experience when he needed to 'be alone' or whatever, he was always back before lunch. So I wouldn't worry too much," Mabel said in a calm tone, supposedly trying to make me feel better.

Normally, I would trust what Mabel just said, but something just feels off about this. I'm going to trust my guts and go search town for Dipper.

"I don't know, I think I'm going to go check him. I'll be back later," I said as I dashed out of the kitchen, leaving Mabel all by herself. I rushed to the front door, put on my black combat boots, and left the house with a loud door slam. I glanced around to make sure no one was watching me before I took off flying.

I took about half an hour flying over the general areas like the town and park to see if he was there, but I couldn't seem to spot him.

I had to think, where would he go to 'be alone'? As I was stationed in midair and thought for a moment, I began to remember that secret hangout place in the forest he showed me when we first met. "That's where he must be!" I thought to myself.

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