29. A Lifetime Sacrifice

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I followed as commanded and had fixed the now vandalized Gravity Falls back to the way it was before, clean and untouched within the blink of the eye.

As for the nightmare realm creatures, I didn't send them back to their home realm as I once did, for I understood the frustration of being in such a limited and finite based realm. Instead, I used any powers I had remaining and teleported them to their very own galaxy─ one where they can go against the laws of physics all their metaphorical hearts pleased.

Meanwhile I was doing that, Ford worked on the equation to the magical barrier that forbid me to freely leaving this town.

Ledgend has it that there's a reason why this little town of Oregon was filled with paranormal beings and anomalies compared to the rest of the state─ it was always that barrier no ordinary human knew existed, nor did the barrier ever interfere with human life for them to figure it out about it's existance. It seems to only apply to otherwordly beings like myself. No one knows the origin of the town's strange law, but without a doubt, it's absolutely fascinating. That's another reason why my father chose this town specifically to reign over─ it was the weird properties that attracted him to it. I can apply the same concept to myself.

As time passed on, Ford and I met back inside the shack. "Alright Sapphire, the equation is almost completely cracked, but I'm not going to finish it until you surrender me your powers. It's nothing personal─ I just think it'll be safest for us all if you didn't have the capability of starting the apocalypse because you're 'emotionally unstable'." He said, making the qoute gesture along with 'emotionally unstable.'

"That's understandable, I suppose." I lightly chuckled, having a strange feeling about just giving up my powers. I won't be able to have as great of a self-defense, nor an infinite life span. I'd basically just be a normal human being.

While the thought of it made me do some deep consideration, being with Dipper would all be worth it in the end.

"So, what you going to do with my powers once I give them to you?" I asked, more out of uncertainty than curiosity.

"Glad you asked." He smiled, resting his hands in his trench coat. "I'm going to keep it in a container and do some intense investment on the DNA within it. It'll help me acknowledge your kind, from how, when, where, and why your kind exists to this very day. It'll answer the huge questions of the universe, and I'll become world famous for it!" He exclaimed, his dark eyes diluting in excitement from behind his glasses.

"I'll just have to be extra careful to make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands. That could become rather catastrophic." A small smile curled upon his lips, releasing a faint laugh at the thought of it.

"Anyway.. Ready to hand over the powers, Sapphire?" He asked in a calm, yet joyous tone as he looked into my blue orbs.

"Yeah," I hesitantly answered, feeling a rush of nervousment. To me, it felt like I had to cut off a limb from being trapped under a pile of rocks in order to be set free. Anyone would be hesitant to give up something as vital as a limb─ minus the pain─ for the sake of freedom. But it's the vital "limb" that happens to be holding us back from moving forward, and if it isn't taken care of, we'll eventually die out in the wilderness, stuck. Some sacrifices must be made to move on in life, even if that sacrifice is letting go of something that is dear to you. But the positive effect of that is freedom.

I reached out my hand towards him and a sapphire blue blaze crawled down my wrist, to my fingertips. He didn't hesitate or stall in any form to accept my hand and shake it, acknowledging that I was truly willing to give up something as huge as my powers for the sake of being with my significant other one.

Although the six fingered man may not think much about it, but I've proven much of myself.

Considering I'm the daughter of an evil master of the minds, I've shown that I'm way more than a heartless monster with a motive to destroy the world─ I have emotions too.

Ones that influence my actions.

The fact that I sacrificed up my high rank, rich possessions, endless worshipping, AND my powers all for the sake of love proves that an otherwordly being like myself can be humble. Heck, I didn't even have to torture the six fingered man for the equation─ Instead, I was reasonable. I showed him that I was deeply sorry for my iniquities and asked for his mercy.

I've done what no other nightmare realm creature has ever, and I'm quite proud to say that I've redeemed the name of Cipher.

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