30. One Last Goodbye

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It was finally all taken care of.

No more Nightmare Realm.

No more Bill.

No more Sterling.

No more barriers.

No more powers.

I was finally free─ and it took a hell a lot of sacrifice. But now at this very moment, I can take a deep breath and say without any hesitation that it was all worth it.

My powers are now gone, so of course I'll have to travel through public transportation─ the bus station. But there's a quick pit stop I wanted to make before I officially leave.

I hurried through deep within the woods, heart racing and adrenaline increasing per each step I took. The trees seemed to be a blur as my vision focused on only what was in front of me, which was a rather leafy path.

The cool breeze blew my long hair through the wind, making a crazy storm of brunette and blonde flow behind me. The sounds of the leaves crunching under me echoed off of the trees surrounding, the smell of pine trees and sap filling my nose.

The leafy pathway transitioned into a grassy one, and there I reconized the two tall standing stone figures─ My father and Sterling.

My pace slowed down once I saw them before I completely halted. I deeply inhaled and exhaled, resting my hand on a nearby pine tree. I inspected the two forms before gradually taking steps once again.

I approached my father's stone figure, the bird that was resting on his extended arm flying off. I slightly bobbed my head up to meet eye contact with his taller figure over mine, which slightly casted a shadow over my being.

I gazed into his now gray eyes for a short period before sadly smiling, "It's been awhile, huh?"

Nothing but mere peaceful silence consumed the atmosphere, only the slightest sound of the tree leaves swooshing from the gust of cool wind, and birds harmfully chirping from the branches.

"I'm about to be off to California. I'll have to take the lousy bus like any other ordinary human being. Ridiculous, right?" I spoke in a calm, joking voice, trying to keep the mood light, but I couldn't help the feeling of a knot forming in my throat as nostalgia washed over me.

I look down at the grass, avoiding eye contact with my deceased father, even though he is simply a statue. "I thought.. I would just say one last goodbye before I leave.." I trailed, resting my hand on the chest of his cold, hard textured body.

I took a deep sigh before scurrying my eyes back over to his.

"I really miss you, dad." I cooed, my own words making my heart crumble into a billion of pieces.

"I know it sounds crazy after everything you've done, but what can I say? You were like a role model to me..."

"Always determined to escape from that decaying realm even when the other creatures told you to just quit and that it was useless trying. You were definitely one hell of a stubborn man.." I chuckled, that familiar, hard lump of a knot crawling deeper up throat.

I let silence fall once more as I sat down and leaned my back against the Bill statue. I rested here for awhile, cherishing every moment of being in the presence of what I could consider to be left of my father before I had to leave. It was a nice, peaceful way to clear my thoughts and just get my built up emotions out. I calmly sighed and rested my eyes, wanting this moment to last forever.

But alas, as all such good things, it must come to an end.

The clear skies soon was consumed by nothing but gray clouds and harder gushing winds than previously. I glanced up at the sky once I heard thunder emit and slightly quake the ground, a drizzle of water perfectly planting on the tip of my nose.

I stood back up and stretched my stiffened back out after sitting in the same position for who knows how long. I once more faced the Bill statue. "Well, I should probably be getting going now. Bad weather is coming and I have a bus to catch shortly after."

"Well.. Goodbye," I said, resting my hand on the shoulder of my father before pulling myself into a hug with the statue.

I tightly wrapped my arms around the back of Bill, feeling the cold, scratchy stone sink into my skin.

"I love you, dad..." I whispered to his lifeless form, my bottom lip breaking into a quiver.

"Thanks for the memories..."

I tightened my embrace into the stone, closing my burning eyes and perfectly resting my head in the crack of his neck. I sighed, slightly smiling at the amount of comfort I was receiving from this unusual bond between girl and statue.

I glanced up to notice the Sterling statue standing behind my fathers, staring straight into my soul. I lowered my brows and stuck my tongue out at him, rasping it like a mischievous child would.

I finally detached from the now warmed up stone statue and gazed into his eyes a little longer before taking a few steps backwards and waving. "See you next time," I cooed, saying my last goodbye. I gulped whilst sadly smiling before I turned my back and had scurried back into the woods in a faster fashion than before.

Little did I know that the statue watched me until I was fully out of sight, a tear rolling from his visible eye, down his cheek.

I've gotten on the bus to Piedmont, California, and settled myself down in the rather empty bus. I didn't have any belongings to bring along with me, so getting on without any luggage to drag was no hassle.

I looked out the window with rain misted on it as the bus began to take off. The rather bright and cheery palette of Gravity Falls was now painted gloomy, for the bad weather has casted over the falls.

The sound of raindrops were heard from the top of the bus, and the bus driver turned on his window shield wipers to keep his view clear. I closed my eyes and rested my head besides the window, deeply inhaling and exhaling whilst running my hand through my hair.

This moment was absolutely peaceful and relaxing for me, especially that no one else was on the bus and the rain was like sweet music to my ears.

I had all day to fantasize about Dipper until I could see him soon in the morning, my heart lightly skipping a few beats at the thought of it.  From his fluffy brown hair, smooth lips, his chocolate eyes that I could just easily get lost in.. Oh my God, I could just melt myself thinking about him.

I let my thoughts swarm through my head and fill my anxious heart before I was soon drifted off by the sweet thoughts of Dipper.

A/N: Ayyye! So the next chapter should be the finale! This was originally going to be the last, but the chapter was really long and I decided to split into two. So the next chapter is already worked on and should be out really soon~

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