14. Are You Really Free?

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Bill's POV

"Bill!" Kryptos shouted as he floated up to me. By the look of his face, I knew something unfortunate has took place. "What?" I looked over at him. "It's Sapphire! She reclaimed her powers and teleported back to Gravity Falls!" He told me, catching his breath. "What?! How?" I asked, irritated. She keeps on finding ways to escape, and it's really getting on my nerves. "I'm not sure, sir. I apologize." Kryptos looked down, shamefully.

"Well she's not as free as she thinks. I have a new goal now, and it includes Sapphire and the Pines family." I said as I smirked malevolently.

Sapphire's POV

Once I opened my eyes again, I was back in Gravity Falls. 'Finally, I'm free from it all.' I rejoiced. No more nightmare realm, no more rift, no more lies, I can finally live peacefully. I immediately ran over to the mystery shack to meet with Dipper again. I owe him a huge thanks for setting me free.

As I arrived at the mystery shack, I noticed that Dipper was already standing outside, reading the journal. I found this to be the perfect opportunity to surprise him. I ran up to him, picking him up in bride style, and floated a few feet into the air. By his facial expression, I knew that he was startled. "I'm here to kidnap you." I teased him. "Oh, Sapphire! You're back!" Dipper chirped as he calmed down from the heart attack I nearly gave him.

"Yup. And it's all thanks to you." I gave him a kiss on his cheek. He still got flushed, even though I've kissed him on his lips before, which is way more remarkable. "How about we get out of here for awhile? Just me and you?" I asked him.

"Yes. I would like that." Dipper smiled. "Okay. Get comfortable." I said as I landed back in the ground, allowing Dipper to hang onto my back. I floated back up into the air and took off.

"I've never been up this high before." Dipper said, looking down to the ground. By the tome of his voice, he was probably feeling uneasy right now. "You'll get use to it. I plan on to do this often." I turned my head to face him and gave him a wholehearted smile. He smiled back and blushed.

After flying through the sky for awhile, I landed on top of a mountain and we took a rest there. "This view is absolutely stunning." I said, taking a deep breath as I stared down the scenery of the trees being illuminated by the sun setting. "Not as stunning as this view." Dipper said, staring at my face and wiggling his eyebrows.

"You're cute." I chuckled, messing up his hair playfully. "Thanks." He replied, combing his hair back with his fingers. I scooted in closer to him so our sides were touching. I laid my head down on his shoulder, and he wrapped his arm around me. At this very moment, everything felt perfect. It almost felt too perfect. Like something was about to go wrong.

My assumptions were right, I started to get an unexpected affliction in my head. "Agh!" I moaned as I held my head with my hands. "Whoa, babe, are you okay?" Dipper asked, concernedly as he placed his hand on my shoulder. "Y-yeah. I just got a random head pain for an unknown reason." I said as the pain slowly faded away.

"A random head pain, you say? Head pains don't typically occur out of the blue like that. There must be a significant explanation for this. Let's go talk to my great uncle Ford, he might know what's going on." Dipper said. "Okay." I agreed with him. I kneeled down so he can comfortably get onto my back. As soon as he was hanging on tightly, I took off flying.

As we were flying through the clouds, my vision started to soften and my whole body began to go numb. I could hardly control my body at this point and we were slowly falling. "Sapphire? What's going on now?" Dipper asked with worry rising in his tone. "I can't-- get control-- of my-- body." I said, struggling to stay up into the air.

I couldn't fight it no longer. My eyes drifted close as I lost my conscious and we began to fall. "Sapphire, no! Wake up! We're going to die!" Dipper yelled as he shook my body. Right before we could hit the ground, my conscious restored and I stopped in mid air.

Dipper's grip was tightened, he was breathing heavily and I could feel his heart beating against his ribcage onto my back. "D-Dipper, I'm so sorry." I said as I landed on the so we would be out of danger. "I just lost control all of a sudden and--"

"Sapphire." Dipper interrupted me. "What?" I asked him out of stress. I'm so afraid right now, I have no idea what the nightmare realm is going on here. "One of your eyes-- it's yellow and it's pupil in incredibly thin like Bill's." Dipper told me as he pointed to my eye.

"Wait, my eye?" I said. 'That's right.' A familiar voice rang throughout my head.

'After our little deal we made awhile back, I still have some control over you. So you're going to be my little pawn and help me terminate the Pines.' Bill's words echoed.

"No, you can't!" I bursted out yelling. "Can't what?" Dipper asked as he placed his hand on my shoulder, concernedly. "Dipper, Bill says he still has control over me and he's going to use my powers against your family." I told him as I took a few steps away from him.

"Please don't get close. I don't want want to hurt you." I said as I bawled up my hands and continued to walk backwards. "Sapphire, we can help you. Just come back to the shack with me, please." Dipper said, stepping closer. "Fine. But we need to hurry. I'm not sure when Bill will attack again." I told him.

"Okay. Let's go." Dipper said before we took off running.

A/N: Wanted to let you know that I deleted my recent chapter and replaced it with this one. I wanted to stick with my original plot for this story. Don't worry about my other plot, I'll remake it in a future chapter but under different circumstances.

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