9. Betrayal

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Bill pulled on my hand hard and everything went black. When I opened my eyes again, I was floating and I seen my body just laying there in the floor. My body slowly risen and it had bright yellow eyes. "For someone who is my daughter, you were quite gullible." Bill laughed.

"Why are you doing this?!" I exclaimed as I felt betrayed. "Listen, I'm not here to sugarcoat the truth. You made a mistake by leaving us behind, so now I'm going to finish your work." He said. "Well in case you've forgotten, they're going to recognized it's not me because your ridiculous, yellow eyes." I tried to think of a way to offend him, but obviously he didn't care.

"No problem. I'll just use Shooting Star's blue eye contacts she uses for cosplay." He said as he walked over to her drawer and started to dig through it. "Seriously?" I mumbled. "Here they are!" He chirped as he placed the contacts on his, well, MY eyes.

"Perfect." He looked through the mirror and a creepy smile crawled upon his face. "Show time!" He cracked his fingers backwards. He threw himself downstairs, probably causing multiple of injuries. I followed him downstairs, into the kitchen where Dipper was at.

"Good morning!" Bill chirped. "Good morning, Sapphire." Dipper smiled. My dad sat down right next to Dipper. "So, now that I'm totally against my father's plans, I'm here to help you keep you the rift safe." Bill smiled at him. Ugh, his acting is so good.

"Now I know that you can't find the adhesive to seal up the rift, but I believe I can completely recover the rift with my powers and make it twice as stronger." My dad said. "Really?" Dipper asked. "Well that's great! Great uncle Ford told me that it's cracking more than ever, and it's nearly close to shattering." Dipper said.

"Sounds like we don't have much time left. How about you show me where the rift is at and I can seal it up?" Bill offered. "Yeah. Follow me." Dipper said.

I couldn't believe that this was happening. He's going to tear apart this world and there is nothing I can do to stop it. I followed down them into the basement, where the rift was at.

Dipper walked over to his uncle's empty desk and opened up the cubby hole that the rift was in. Dipper carefully held it, so it wouldn't break. "Here it is." Dipper said. "Please make it quick, I can tell its going to break any moment now." Dipper said.

"Okay. I'll make it really quick." Bill stepped forward. He took hold of the rift and before I knew it, he dropped it on the floor and started to laugh uncontrollably. "Wait, what!?" Dipper looked at him in total confusion. "Oh, did you think I was your girlfriend? Think again, Pine Tree." Bill took the contacts out of his eyes, revealing his glowing, yellow eyes.

"Bill!" Dipper gasped. "You guessed it right!" Bill laughed. "Well, I don't need this vessel anymore!" Bill popped out of my body, allowing it fall to the ground and I quickly went right back in it. "Ugh.." I moaned as I rubbed my head. "Sapphire!" Dipper helped me up by pulling my hand. "I'm sorry." I apologized to him.

"It's okay, it wasn't your fault. It was his." Dipper pointed at Bill furiously. "Whoops, my bad." Bill teased, covering his mouth. "You're not getting away with this so easily. I know precisely how to take you down with my powers." I told him. "Oh, is that so? Then I'll just take away your powers." Bill's pupils went incredibly thin as he lifted his hand and snapped, extracting all my powers and formed theme into an orb. My body felt so weak that I fell to the ground.

"Hey, you leave her alone!" Dipper tried to punch Bill, but my dad used a powerful force and threw him into the wall. "Dipper!" I yelled. "Now let's go." My dad said, creating inter-dimensional shackles attached to my wrists. He jerked the chain, forcing me to follow him.

Bill flew us up into the sky and he conjured a triangular castle in the blink of an eye, and we headed inside of it. "Let me go!" I commanded him. "I don't think so. If you weren't so selfish, you would be able to rule this world with me. But you decided to do otherwise, so now you must pay the consequences." My dad said, linking my chain to the ground and locking up the orb filled with my powers a few feet above my head.

"There. Now this is your punishment for being a bad girl." My dad wiped down his hands. "Also, get rid of that ridiculous hat." Bill scoffed as he snatched the yellow pine tree hat from my head and burnt it with his powers just like that. Ashes lied in his hand before he blew it in my face. It felt like he was spitting vapor on everything I loved. "You're a monster." I choked.

"I am a monster, in fact. What's your point?" He smirked, only to find the smallest amount of amusement in any insult I threw at him.

"Well anyway, I'm going to go remodel the town, if you know what I mean." Bill wiggled his eyebrows and chuckled. "See you soon, Sapphy!" He waved as he walked backwards to the triangular entrance of the castle and stood still as he fell backwards. I heard his insane laughter echo all the way down until he stopped himself in mid air before he hit the ground.

Dipper's POV

After Bill pushed me into the wall, I was unconscious for awhile. As time passed, I finally woke back up, remembering the events before I was knocked out. "Sapphire!" I yelled as I jumped up. I ran outside immediately and the whole town looked upside down. The sky was dark, buildings were damaged, people were hiding, fire was scattered everywhere, it was a disaster.

I need to find Grunkle Ford, he'll know what to do.

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