16. Amnesia

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"S-Sapphire?" I spoke as I set my hands on both of her shoulders. Sapphire gave me a bewildered stare and a slight smile before speaking, "Hi.. Who are you?"

"Oh no.." I muttered. "You wouldn't remember, but I'm your boyfriend. And you risked your life to save me because we really lov--" I trailed as I felt a lump form in my throat from the strong emotions I was feeling right now. "Loved each other." I gulped down my words as tears formed in my eyes.

"But your memory is erased and now you can't remember a thing. I-I'm so sorry, Sapphire." I gave her a hug as I broke down crying. I hugged her as tight as I could and shut my eyes closed. I could feel a warm tear rolling down my face, onto her blue dress that absorbed it. Then all of a sudden, I heard an unknown male voice call out from behind, "I can help you." His voiced echoed.

I opened my eyes, only to realize that everything in the room was grayscale. That only meant one thing-- I was being violated through a dream. But it couldn't be Bill, he's deceased now. I turned around to face the unfamiliar guy, and he was levitating a few feet into the air.

He was forbidding, tall and thin young man with fair skin, thick jet black hair, gray eyes, a white shirt overlaid by a navy blue tailcoat, and black pants. "Who are you?" I stared him down, remaining reserved. "Me? I'm Sterling, but that's not essential. I've been watching your circumstances from the nightmare realm and I know a way to recover Sapphire's memory simply." He told me.

"And why would I ever believe someone like you? I've already been deceived by your kind once, and I'm not going to fall for it twice." I responded, coldly as I avoided eye contact and crossed my arms.

"Listen mortal, I'm not here to cause any trouble. I've known Sapphire all my life and she's an incredibly important person, I'll tell you that. And without her knowledge of who we are, we're both troubled under two different circumstances. That's why I'm willing to help here." Sterling responded with a light, trustworthy tone in his voice.

"Well, what's the catch?" I asked him, staring into his gray eyes. "Smart kid, I see." He smirked. "The only catch is that I want you to do whatever I want you to whenever I tell you to, deal?" He stretched his arm outwards and ignited it with a navy blue fire.

I had to take his offer in some deep consideration. He's a demon and I have no idea what he wants from me or wants me to do. But I can't live without Sapphire remembering who I am and what we had together, and this is the only chance of for her to reclaim her memories, so I hesitantly reached out and shook his hand. "Deal." I said as our hands ignited and crawled up our arms simultaneously.

He released my hand a few seconds later and I felt so relieved that this wasn't some possession trick. Sterling conjured a blazing blue orb, flashing with memories that has occurred within Sapphire's life. I stood in awe as I watched many images of Sapphire flash. The only images that my mind could process was a few with Sapphire in the nightmare realm with Bill, since it was flashing with a high acceleration.

Sterling approached Sapphire, who was still sitting on the floor obliviously, and he casted the orb into her mind. Her eyes fluttered closed and she assuringly fell to sleep.

"There we go. Once she wakes up, her memories will be fully recovered. You'll pay me back when the timing is right. Until then, take care of Sapphire for me or else." Sterling threatened me before he disappeared in a white flash.

As soon as I opened my eyes again, Sapphire was laying on the floor asleep. I slipped my arms underneath her and I strugglingly picked her up into my arms. She wasn't as light as I thought she was. I looked down at her engaging sleeping face and a smile crawled upon my face. "You'll be alright." I whispered to her.

I carefully carried her into the elevator and I leaned over to press the button to the first floor. The button lit up and the elevator doors shut close gradually. After we reach the top floor, I heedfully carried her upstairs and I kicked my door open with my foot. I approached her inflatable bed centered in the middle of our room and I cautiously laid her down in it.

I pulled the blanket up to her collarbone, only leaving her neck and head exposed. I caressed her cheek and gave her a swift kiss on her forehead before I left the room and quietly closed the door. I walked back downstairs, into the living room only to find myself bumping into Ford. The bandages he was suppose to bring me dropped out of his hands, onto the floor. "Oh, Dipper. What are you doing up here? I thought I told you to stay downstairs." Ford said.

"I know, but I got caught off guard. You see, they had this man from the nightmare realm named Sterling, and he said he knew how to recover Sapphire's memory. I hesitantly accepted his deal, but he surprisingly kept his words. So he recovered her memory, and now she's resting upstairs." I explained to Ford.

"Sterling? I've never heard of him." Ford mumbled as he rubbed the bottom of his chin. "What was your end of the bargain?" He asked of me. "Peculiarly, he wants me to do whatever he commands me to whenever he says so. I don't know what he wants with me, but he says that he'll come back for me when the timing is right." I explained Ford.

"Oh no, that sounds like quite the danger for your life. Who knows what he's plotting?" Ford said.

"Who plotting what?" Mabel asked as she snook up from behind me and I got startled. "Oh, Mabel." I said as my heart began to regularly beat after pausing for a brief moment. "It's kind of a long story." I responded to her, tediously.

"I got the time."

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