13. Recovery

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I ran back downstairs into the living room, abnormally finding great uncle Ford watching TV. Since we don't have to worry about the rift shattering anymore, he doesn't need to be downstairs, researching.

"Great uncle Ford." I called out his name as I walked nearby the chair he was sitting in. "Yeah, Dipper?" He asked as he turned his head to my direction. "I know this might sound crazy, but do you think there is a way to get Sapphire's powers back?" I asked him.

He just stopped and stared at me for a moment. "Well let's see. How did she lose her power in the first place?" He asked me. "Well, she said that teleporting more than one person at a time damages her power." I replied.

"Hmm.." Great uncle Ford hummed as he thought about it. "Sounds like to me that it's very stressful to use her power that strongly for the first time. Now this is just hypothetically speaking, but her powers should recover as she relaxes." Great uncle Ford said.

"That's brilliant!" I cheered. "But do you have any idea what we could use to make her feel stress free? Bill has her imprisoned in the nightmare realm and I want to get her out of there as soon as possible." I told him. "Actually, yes I do. What I typically used when I was stressed was the water from a magical waterfall found in the deepest parts of the forest. It makes me feel renewed completely." Ford answered.

"I can't remember where it's specifically located at now, but thankfully for you, I still have some left in the basement from my last trip. Stay right here and I'll go get it." He smiled as he sat up from the chair and headed downstairs. I waited several minutes for him to return and he came back up with a cup filled with the water. "Here it is!" Ford handed it over to me.

"Thank you, great uncle Ford!" I chirped as I took the cup. "I'm going to go back upstairs to meet with Sapphire." I told him. "Okay. See you later, Dipper." Great uncle Ford said as he watched me steadily walk back upstairs, trying not to spill any water.

As I reached my room, I closed and locked the door behind me. "Sapphire! I'm not sure if you can hear me or not, but please come here!" I shouted as my voice bounced off of the walls.

I just stood there in silence, waiting for her to appear, but she didn't. "Okay, you're making me feel crazy now." I chuckled awkwardly. I assumed it didn't work that way and I was about to walk off, but I heard a female voice call out "Dipper?"

I turned around and there she was. "Sapphire, I think I found out a way to recover your powers!" I said as I approached her. "Really? How?" She asked, surprised. "With this." I revealed the cup filled with magical water to her. "With water?" She asked, hesitantly.

"Not just any water, it's enchanted water that removes stress. We believe that you damaged your powers because you were under stress from teleporting so many people at once. Well maybe if you could relax by drinking this, your powers will recover." I told her.

"Really? Thanks!" She smiled as she took the cup. "Sapphire! You better not be in Pine Tree's head again!" A familiar voice called out from a distance and Sapphire lost her smile. "That was my dad. He's looking for me again. I need to leave, quickly." She said. "Alright. I truly hope this method works." I said to Sapphire.

"Same." Sapphire responded. "Bye, Dipper. I'll visit you again real soon!" She waved to me before she disappeared in a flash. I opened my eyes and the colors of my room returned.

Sapphire's POV

I appeared back into the nightmare realm, returning to my prison cell which is made up of electromagnetic charged bars. "Where did you go?" Bill asked, turning around to face me. "No where. I was here the whole time." I hid the cup Dipper gave to me behind my back. "Liar. I noticed that you were missing." Bill snarled.

"Really? You were paying attention to someone else other than yourself for once?" I mocked him. He zapped me with lightning. "Ow, hey!" I rubbed my arm where he shot me. "Watch your mouth." He told me as he gave me a cold look before he flew off.

Once he left, I took the cup Dipper gave to me and took a sip from it. I really hope this works because I hate the nightmare realm with a passion. It's even worse than it was before I interfered with their plans. All the demons here are incensed and exceedingly capricious.

As soon as I drank from the supernatural water, I decided to take a nap because it's not like I have anything better to do. I curled up into a ball because there isn't much room to move around in here. I shut my eyes close and took a deep breath. In no time, I drifted off to sleep.

A few hours later

As I slowly woke up, I stretched out and I accidentally hit my hand across the electromagnetic charged bars surrounding me. "Agh!" I yelled out as in pain. Without thinking, I released my temper by casting a fireball at it. It took a moment for me to realize that I just used my powers. "Wait.. Did I just..?" I mumbled as I looked down at my hands. I tried to create another fireball and casted it at the bar of my jail cell.

"Haha, It worked! My powers are back!" I was so happy that I accidentally shouted that out. "What did you just say?" Asked Kryptos, who was nearby my cell. "Uh, I, well--"

"Bring me to Gravity Falls, Oregon!" I said quickly and the portal opened up. "No! Don't leave! Bill is going to be--" Kryptos began to speak, but I cut him off. "Hasta la vista, baby!" I winked at him as I teleported through the portal.

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