31. Together

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I crashed into the back of the seat in front of me, landing on the cold floor of the bus with a loud thump.

I moaned as I struggling stood on my knees and rubbed my now aching head, slowly opening my weary and burning eyes to the sight of the worn leather seat.

"Piedmont, California!" The bus driver shouted, his voice booming throughout the bus. "Well I guess so," I murmured cockily, rather cranky that he harshly stopped the bus for his only one passenger.

I stood up and made my way out of the bus, the bus driver all casually smiling and waving me goodbye. I returned the gesture, even though I wasn't happy with the man at the time.

Once I stepped out the bus, the first thing I noticed was the 'welcome to Piedmont, California!' sign. My eyes diluted at the sight, heart ever so anxiously fluttering. A smiled curled upon my lips and I sighed in satisfaction, running my hand through my hair a few times to tame the hurricane that was made out of it.

Before I have surrendered my powers to Ford, I used my future vision to visualize a map where Dipper lived. I closed my eyes for a mid second, mentally mapping the directions. I once again opened my eyes, clearly remembering every step there. Fortunately for me, it wasn't that long of a trip from the bus station. Although it would seem easier to have called a cab, but I wasted the last of my money on that bus trip. So the hard way is the route I shall take instead.

I began running with all my heart, feeling like there was no time to waste walking. I roamed down the sidewalk of the busy street, dodging any people coming my way and only catching glimpses of the buildings located besides me. At this speed, I felt unstoppable.

There was a point where I had to turn down a rather skeptical alley, spotting a rusty gate blocking it off. I halted my pace in front of the gateway, gazing through the holes that showed the threatening road.

Although I typically wouldn't risk my life going down such a place, this dump happened to be the fastest route. It was either this road or go through the whole town.

I clenched my teeth at my unforgiving decision, no turning back now. I climbed over the forbidding fence, my foot accidentally slipping a few times. I caught my balance before I fell backwards, then proceeded.

By the time I got over the approximately 7 foot high fence I ungraciously jumped to the other side, knees hitting the dirt with a loud thump and groan.

I quickly picked myself up and wiped down the dirt from my now faded dress, then picking back up my pace.

The only noise that could be heard down this alley was my own footsteps echoing off of the relatively close buildings and my heavy breathing. It made me feel uneasy, as if there was someone out there watching me.

I tried calming myself down by glimpsing at the walls that was vandalized with rather inappropriate graffiti, realizing that people come down here all the time to mess around and leave completely fine─ or so I thought,  trying to comfort myself.

The graffiti soon transitioned into blood splattered all over the walls, and an actual decapitated human body appeared right beneath it. I could tell that this was a recent murder too, considering the blood was still slightly dripping down the brick wall, back down onto its rightful owner.

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